If Christmas is a verb, as I proposed in my video of yesterday’s DM, then check this news of hope and creativity and transformation.  I hope you find it as inspiring as I do. 

“In 1950 I had a cosmic dream in which I saw in colour this image, which in my dream represents the nucleus of the atom. This nucleus afterwards took on a metaphysical meaning. I consider it to be the very unity of the Universe, Christ.” Salvador Dali. Posted by totoro_friend to Flickr.

We don’t know Jesus’ exact birthday but the early Christian community chose the winter solstice time, the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, to celebrate the birthday of the Prince of Peace and the Living Light.  While a remembrance of Jesus’ birth, Christmas is also a celebration of the birth of the Cosmic Christ that each of us is.  Therefore it is our birthday also, you and me, as other Christs, as sons or daughters of God, as living Wisdom.  “We are all other Christs,” said Thomas Merton and also Dorothy Day. 

“The Nativity” by Javier Ullrrich Lemus. Part of the Stations of the Cosmic Christ series. Reprinted with permission.

Let joy ring out and choirs of angels sing: “A child is born to us, a Prince of Peace, a Comforter.”  Us: You and me.  How are we doing?  What needs to be done?

Is Nativity an archetype, a promise, of new beginnings where the Divine will be found freshly in everyone in a low state—whether among shepherds to whom good tidings are announced or among the rejected of the world?  Immigrants for example?

Who will bring about this New Life, this new birth, if not us?  If not every ordinary citizen who is working to resist injustice and lies and the wispy promise of consumer success in order to birth the authentic Christ child, Wisdom child, anointed child that each of us is?

Mary does not stand alone as a “mother of God.”  She is first among equals.

“The Cosmic Black Madonna” by Javier Ullrrich Lemus. Reprinted with permission.

The Nativity stretches our imaginations like nothing before.  How can the wisdom behind a universe 13.8 billion years old and two trillion galaxies big, each with hundreds of billions of stars, and still expanding, be so intimate as to be among us?  God among us.  God-with-us, Emmanuel indeed.  Immensity becomes Intimacy in our midst and in our actions.

The Nativity story does not only speak of the angels and shepherds, animals and mangers, stars and “pagan” astrologers following the stars.  It also speaks of the evil power of the empire represented by Herod who wants to kill every newborn boychild so he can preserve his ego’s power and imperial mastery.  A shadow, a dark side, a crucifixion, is hinted at in the Good news of Christmas Day. 

The Cosmic Christ will be not just about glory (doxa) and light but will include wounds and suffering as well.  The tale of empire and threat, plus the poverty and crisis of Mary giving birth in the cold of winter in a manger, speaks to the shadow side of Jesus’ life and ours.  Then again, Jesus never said, “Blessed are the comfortable.”  Neither did the Buddha.

A Blessed Christmas to all.

Adapted from Matthew Fox and Bishop Marc Andrus, Stations of the Cosmic Christ, pp. 63-68.

Banner Image: “Celestial Creation of Cosmic Completion ~ Blessed Be Our Celestial Creation of Cosmic Completion.” A photographic projection of Pure Love and Divine Light, magical mandala of crystal creation, consciously connecting with the Living Light of Love inside our very own Crystal Rainbow Hearts, awakening our own true Rainbow natures, and blissfully blessing our own enlightened Rainbow Realities. By Rainbow’larium, on Flickr

Queries for Contemplation

Do you see yourself as a Prince/Princess of Peace? And a Living Light?  And Living Wisdom?  As another Christ (or messiah or anointed one in league with others)?  Does Christmas assist you to deepen your awareness of this realization and your actions that flow from it?

Recommended Reading

This is a book of meditations on the Cosmic Christ, accompanying the images of 16 wonderful clay tablets by Javier Ullrrich Lemus and M.C. Richards. Together, these images and meditations go far beyond the traditional Stations of the Cross to inspire a spirit awakening and understanding of the cosmic Christ Consciousness, Buddha consciousness, and consciousness of the image of God in all beings, so needed in our times.

Beautiful full-color cards from Stations of the Cosmic Christ to aid in your meditations on the Cosmic Christ, featuring the images of 16 wonderful clay tablets by Javier Ullrrich Lemus and M.C. Richards. Step beyond the traditional Stations of the Cross and experience a spirit awakening and understanding of the cosmic Christ Consciousness, Buddha consciousness, and consciousness of the image of God in all beings, so needed in our times. Includes an instruction booklet containing suggestions on how to use the cards.

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8 thoughts on “Christmas, 2019”

  1. Merry Christmas, Matthew and All,
    I’m new (as of Solstice) to your DM and can only say how much I appreciate this Good News on Christmas. Earlier in the month, I found I just could not decorate our home with the Tree and all the Decorations, I felt it would too greatly diminish my Advent (I’m no longer a practicing catholic but still hold the rituals in sacred ways). Your DM this past week informs my reasons for not wanting this level of distraction! Isn’t it odd that friends and society would tell me I must be depressed if I’m not able/willing to decorate- when instead it’s that I’m breaking from the consumer trance and awakening ever more to the unknowable Mystery of the Light. The “immensity and intimacy” here call me forth.

    1. Gail Sofia Ransom

      Dear Susan,
      Welcome to Matthew’s Daily Meditation – just in time for the Christmas holy-days. I trust that you were able to experience the “immensity and intimacy” of the Cosmic Christ in some small and spectacular way, and through that participate in Nativity.
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

  2. Blessed Christmas season to you, Matthew, and to all your staff for bringing us a daily meditation to live by. I am so grateful to begin each day with your meditation.
    May the quiet beauty of the season fill your hearts with peace, joy and blessings on the wonderful work you are doing.
    Thank you.

    Joan Doyle

    1. Gail Sofia Ransom

      Thank you, Joan, for your heartfelt comments. We are grateful to have you as a participant in our Daily Meditations. I will relay your sentiments to the entire team.
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

  3. Thank you Matthew for your powerful words this Christmas night, I had the great honour of meeting you this summer in Ireland, you continue to inspire and challenge me to grow and to continue becoming. Blessings of this Holy Time to you.

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