We spoke yesterday of the first chakra and arrogance inherent in the recent declaration of the once supreme court.
It is arrogant to discount the number of women who will die from miscarriages and more because of Roe vs Wade being overthrown. And ignoring the stress on families already poor and struggling. And, in demanding that women, even girls, bring rapists’ and incest perpetrators’ babies to term, what kind of children will they grow up to be? Will they experience love as a child? Will they become violent and prison-bound and a burden on society as well as family? How will they fit into a family?
The second chakra, our sexual chakra, is clearly at issue in the Dobbs decision as well. As I stress in my study on Evil, the sins of the second chakra are less about sex than they are about power-over dynamics. Control and dominance reign when the healthy give and take of sexuality and of play and of equal rights are ignored.
The shadow side to the second chakra is that “it can be a situation of creating power over another (or power under) instead of its being an expression of union and of equality or the search for union and quality. It is about “objectifying the other,” and can be a kind of violence, addiction, obsession, control, rape. Many women report that they feel raped by the supreme court’s decision.
The arrogance of the Dobbs decision, the ignoring of 2/3 of Americans’ opinions, exhibits a profound power-over dynamic at work against women and girls, and especially the poor who cannot afford to journey to another state or another country for an abortion. Most need to stay home to attend to their families, to go to work, or do not have money for hotels and gasoline and travel. All these realities are completely ignored in the misogynist SCOTUS decision written by Alito.
The SCOTUS document is preoccupied with seeing women as objects and “once we can set others up as objects and not subjects violence is possible.” Violence almost demands one-sidedness. Inequity, cruelty, injustice, oppression, injury, unkindness, atrocity and savagery follow from our not having taken in the lessons of intimacy that the second chakra has to teach us.
Who can deny that each of these actions of cruelty, injury, even savagery are present in the Dobbs decision against women’s rights to make decisions regarding their own bodies?
Adapted from Matthew Fox, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Transforming Evil in Soul and Society, pp. 237, 239, 242. See also pp. 243-265.
To read the transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.
Banner Image: Memorial to women who died from illegal unsafe abortions at major pro-choice rally in Washington, DC, November 12, 1989. Photo by Carolmooredc; on Wikimedia Commons.
Queries for Contemplation
Do you recognize power-over dynamics and cruelty and misogyny in the recent SCOTUS decision to deny women’s rights over their bodies?
26 thoughts on “Evil & the Dobbs Decision to Wipe Out Roe, continued”
Matthew? Today you have set before your readers this Query for Contemplation: “Do you recognize power-over dynamics and cruelty and misogyny in the recent SCOTUS decision to deny women’s rights over their bodies?” In Matthew’s book. SINS OF THE SPIRIT, BLESSINGS OF THE FLESH he stresses, “the sins of the second chakra are less about sex than they are about power-over dynamics. it can be a situation of creating power over another (or power under) instead of its being an expression of union and of equality or the search for union and quality.” And isn’t this what we see? Instead of union and equality we see power over or under The arrogance of the Dobbs decision, the ignoring of 2/3 of Americans’ opinions, exhibits a profound power-over dynamic at work against women and girls…” To me it seems so simple: If you are free as a human being in this country, how can we say that your freedom doesn’t include what you do to your own body.
No input from the American people allowed: Fencing up at the Supreme Court following the leak of the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Truth fitly spoken in a moral crisis is searing, like fire. When wood burns, it releases the stored energy of a thousand summer suns. When truth is spoken and images are set before hearts that are open, it releases in their awareness the grievous, almost overbearing cumulative energy of countless suffering souls, and God in them, experienced all at once in a single heart attuned to same. These agonizing DM’s are killing me Matt, and those of us that are not immune to deeply feeling them and the indescribable suffering they image and sound out. The paradox is that those who need to hear and feel the message are inured to same. They aren’t attuned. One cannot see, think, and feel sacred things in place of those who sorely need to do so. Not any more than one can eat, drink, or go to the bathroom for them. It’s why I constantly beseech the Lord to end the Church Age, and begin the Kingdom Age quickly. Either that, or in wholesale fashion open eyes otherwise blind, and ears otherwise deaf in ways the lot of us are helpless to achieve.
Is freedom my freedom to do what I want, or is it freedom in co-operation with doing God’s will (John 8:31-32). Is God’s way simply a matter of numbers, the decision of the majority (Jn 6:64-66)? If our God is the creator, then when is life created?
First of all, this is a religious question that has different answers, depending on one’s beliefs. The Roman Catholic church did not always define life as beginning at conception. The best response I have is to look at Genesis–when did life begin? When God breathed life into a human being, and that human being breathed. Second of all, I do not think that a minority religious view should be made into law and restrict my freedom. I am sick and tired of the wave of Christian nationalism that is destroying the fabric of democracy in a pluralistic and multicultural country. None of us has a lock on “God’s will”, but I will bet you that it has more to do with love than with control.
Sue, I totally agree with what you say, when you say: “I do not think that a minority religious view should be made into law and restrict my freedom. I am sick and tired of the wave of Christian nationalism that is destroying the fabric of democracy in a pluralistic and multicultural country”–Thank you for putting so clearly !!!
I felt challenged by a placard that an anti abortion woman was waving at a recent rally. It stated triumphantly that “Mary chose Life” i.e. that Jesus wouldn’t haven’t been born if Mary [Miriam] had chosen abortion. My answer to that challenge is: Knowing the culture of Miriam’s time, abortion was an unlikely option and she would have been at high risk for stoning if she couldn’t have proven rape. It took an ‘angel/spirit’ consoling and encouraging her as well as Joseph’s deep/soul dream message to change the outcome. He married Miriam, thus protecting her from condemnation. He then took her away from all accusers, found that ‘there was no room in the inn’ for them, then bravely acted as midwife during the birth of ‘her’ son even though he would himself have been considered ritually ‘unclean’ for being involved in the birth. Without Joseph, Miriam and her illegitimate son may have been lost to history, a history which shows that during the Roman occupation the Jewish parents of a betrothed daughter stopped the practice of putting a notice on their front door announcing the betrothal because Roman overlords used this sign as an opportunity to demand the first night with a virgin before the marriage could take place.
This begs an obvious question: How many Josephs are on the un-supreme court?? Not many, because the deep story about Joseph’s choice has been washed away by subsequent tides of the idolatry of virginity.
Gwen, When you write: “How many Josephs are on the un-supreme court?? Not many, because the deep story about Joseph’s choice has been washed away by subsequent tides of the idolatry of virginity,” I think about all of the women’s choices that have been and could again be washed away by this Court–I do not use “Supreme” because those who are there to serve the people, are acting as dictators, taking away women’s right to choose!!!
I don’t understand why the leaked documents and the statements it contained from one of the supreme court judges, referencing the witch burnings of the 17th century… aren’t being lawfully brought forward… to thwart the illegitimate use of power that has taken place? There has to be some kind of legal ramifications for such an act… that would force this individual to reques himself from his position… or force him to be removed.
I don’t understand why state political officials, those operating abortion clinics and medical professionals aren’t taking a stand and simply refusing to comply to the supreme courts decision. If they all did this, the prisons would be overrun. Why are people choosing to comply, when this new law, in reality is just ink on parchment?
Those whom choose to comply, even though they disagree, are actually contributing to manifesting the intentions and motivations of these written words. If the new law can’t actually be enforced, then would it not eventually become moot?
Our individual and collective choices, united in this matter of NON-COMPLIANCE… can be the legitimate power needed to tare this piece of parchment and what’s written in ink… as law… into shreds.
I agree. If more people would stand up to these terrible laws, then we would have the prospect of masses of people arrested and jailed, and the point would be made. Republicans even now are waffling on whether women should be “punished”. We need to hold their feet to the fire and demand specific answers and then vote accordingly. Bad laws do not need to be obeyed. It takes a lot of courage, but the fight for human rights has always demanded sacrifice.
as I continue after 30+years to heal from trauma, and as a healer,
worldwide, global corporations are running a biopower campaign to root out any opposition to their dominance.
Humans are destroying the planet and this male/patriarchy/corporate obsession of power over creation: the natural world and women’s bodies-
This is a war against the Creative and Holy.
the male gender flings the word -r*** around as it were an everyday object.
Why is a justice system that has shown no justice for women or children,
making judgements to further deplete any mercy or hope of mercy.
I stand down. I say no.
In yesterday’s and today’s meditation you gave a strong critique of the Supreme Courts ‘arrogance’. Have you reflected on and considered that your response may also be full of your arrogance? How does one respond in helpful ways to the perceived arrogance of others without also having one’s own arrogance? Is this one of those catch 22’s? I too need to consider that this response to you may also have an element of arrogance.
I suppose that all prophets could be convicted of arrogance. Jesus was chided by the religious leaders of his time for daring to speak for God.
John, Just to quote your own words: “I too need to consider that this response to you may also have an element of arrogance.” But note these two differences in your comment: In speaking of Matthew you say: “your response may also be full of your arrogance”–so you are saying that while Matthew speaking may be FULL of arrogance, in speaking of yourself you say: ” this response to you may also have an element of arrogance.” May also have ELEMENTS of arrogance. Enough said.
Beyond religion, beyond politics, lay truth. Mystics of all faith traditions know this truth of Great Mystery/Divine LOVE. The field, the flute, and others know too. }:- a.m.
Hoofnote: Where white male patriarchy is nonexistent.
Yes, Matthew, the historical and ongoing sins, ignorance, and values of toxic/unbalanced masculinity and patriarchy continue to the present day with its’ consequent egocentricity, aggressiveness and destructiveness/suffering toward humanity, especially females and children, and Mother Earth and all Her living creatures… Healing and restoring holistic balance/justice in individuals and society always begins anew in our evolution with each individual taking spiritual responsibility for their own deeper healing and transformation with-in God’s Spirit of Love~Wisdom~Truth~Peace~Justice~Creativity~Compassionate Mercy… so we can have enough compassion, strength, wisdom to heal and respond with other lightworkers with our own unique spiritual gifts/fruits to inner and outer darkness on our spiritual journeys together on earth, in our spiritual multidimensions (with our spirit guides and Angels), and in our interconnected multiverse co-Creation~Cosmos… our Beloved Cosmic Christ Consciousness….
Rape and the entire Patriarchy is ALWAYS about power. NEVER about women as persons.
Women possess great power which scares the patriarchy to death, so it does everything possible to suppress such power. All kinds of psychological findings address this in various ways (“vagina dentata” is only one very pertinent example), confirming the fact that the patriarchy is a system based on endemic psychiatric disorder.
This decision is a vindictive rape of ALL WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES.
It is also the first missile shot across the bow to establish a state religion—followed almost immediately by a decision that is claimed to have “put prayer back in the schools” —which is impossible since prayer was never REMOVED from the schools in the first place, but the Extreme “court” knows and understands that with their decision in *Kennedy* they have given the ***impression*** to a country lacking understanding of the law that they have “put prayer BACK in the schools.” We all note that the media, instead of telling the truth, avoids mentioning this (and likely whoever produces “news” programs doesn’t know the truth either).
*Kennedy* is, in fact, a case about freedom of speech, not about establishment, but the Extreme “court” understands a public ignorant of fact—and uses that ignorance masterfully, while at the same time avoiding any correction of public misunderstanding.
A very important aspect of this case, related to remarks made by thomas in his solo concurring opinion about overturning most decisions based on A14: Engle was based, in part on A14—also mentioned in the “court’s” decision in Kennedy.
Read A14, then read about “due process” and be very afraid—because it’s in the sights of this “court.”
The Supreme Court, as it existed before being occupied by enemies to the Constitution, never contemplated invalidating a constitutional amendment.
thomas’ concurrence in *Dodd* indicates that **that** abomination is on the agenda of this Extreme/rogue “court.”
Don’t be fooled by titles. John Roberts is a completely impotent deadhead. This “court” belongs to thomas.
Seems to me we talk and talk and talk, but why on earth don’t we ever talk about the 50% of human beings who actually create the possibility of a baby? I am a woman, age 69, and I am sick to the teeth of being a woman who is constantly blamed and punished for her sexuality and, in younger women’s case, her potential for creating life.
Why is no one addressing the role men play? Do we really believe that all the women who were forced, or chose, to service men through prostitution, never resorted to abortions? Or contraception? If we believe that we continue to have our heads in the sand.
Seems to me that the fear men have of the feminine is so clearly shown in this latest show of power and dominance over women.
It is true that a woman enraged by injustice is a powerful force to be reckoned with.
And yet, it is the feminine energy that seeks to protect, nurture, create community and eliminate suffering.
God embodies both male and female energy. A God without female energy would be a vengeful and violent God. And we see this in our male dominated structures and organizations.
Enough already. Where two dance, one shouldn’t have more ‘rights’ than the other. And women themselves know their own lives best. Trust us.
Thank you.
Say it everywhere!
Savagery is indeed the word for these “Supreme” tribunal decisions–power-over, cruelty, misogyny don’t even begin to describe. I never thought that I would live to see all the gains of the 50’s and 60’s and on completely turned back. Human rights are under attack, as never before. I well remember when abortion was illegal, when contraceptives were illegal according to the Blue Laws of Massachusetts, when homosexuality was alternately a crime or a psychiatric disease, etc., etc. And here we are again, poised on the precipice. I came from a small town and was relatively naive so that when I started college in 1960 where there were a lot of well to do young women from big cities, and I discovered that some had had abortions, it was a bit of a shock. Of course, they had safe abortions because their families could afford it. And that will continue to happen. If I had the money, I would hire platoons of private detectives to ferret out all the abortions that have occurred amongst the politicians and their wives, daughters, and mistresses and put up billboards announcing them. And to keep investigating to reveal all the ongoing ones. Back in my day, a D&C was a good cover-up. But some states have draconian laws that would let women die from miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. I also say NO! And I pray for the strength to do everything I can to oppose these noxious laws. For those who are discouraged, I say do everything you can to expose those who have voted for these laws and get out the vote against them. Passivity and despair are not options.
Since men are not given responsibility in conception by SCOTUS, or even referred to as equal partners in the very least, SCOTUS has no right to make decisions about women’s health choices.
So speak all of you who were not aborted. All the supreme court said ‘It is not a right’ and the laws governing abortion shall be as per the laws of the states ie democratically. As the bible says ‘ Even before you were born I knew you’. Every child, even those not yet born is a child of God. Get behind me Satan.
It is a sad truth that many of the states do not have democratically elected officials, where legislators are bought and paid for by special interests. These interests care nothing for democracy or ordinary people. I am sorry that you feel as you do. No one has ever forced your female loved ones to have an abortion. Perhaps you might learn something from those who have had to make that difficult choice.
From seeing the rioters and posters it looks more like a solution to be ‘glorified’ by the ‘blue’ states. Certainly that is where the interests of the ‘special interests’ to which your refer lie. No extensive maternity leave for employees etc,
In the final analysis every abortions is a selfish and self-interested decision, unless there are medical issues involved. Its time to emphasize support, adoptions, parental assistance and child-care. Every child is a child of God as our Creator God ordained. The covid vaccine put a lie to ‘its my body and my right’.
Joan Chittester says that Pro Life is really Pro Birth. Those pro lifers want the child to be born no matter that they will not have a life, without food, clothing, and shelter; A life without love, home & family and education.
It is not government’s place to tell anyone what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
Except when employees are blackmailed by employers/government to take a vaccine riddled with side effects. If I wanted to feed my family I had to take the jab.
COVID undeniably killed many people; Many countries will never recover from the lock downs and over reach of big government.