The political impact of popes Benedict XVI and his mentor JPII cannot be underestimated. 

Then-Cardinal Josef Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II at the canonization of Opus Dei founder Jose-Maria Escriva. Public-domain photo by Levan Ramishvili on Flickr.

Benedict and JPII’s support of Opus Dei rendered fascism fashionable again in the Catholic Church (as it was during Mussolini’s time) and the West.  Its call for a return to a “Christian culture” opened the door to the authoritarian wave sweeping through Western politics today from Hungary to Trumpian America and the recently defeated president of Brazil.

Yesterday’s news informed us that the democratic-killing extreme right president of Hungary came to Rome praising the “sanctity” of the deceased pope and promised to stay through his funeral on Thursday.  Of course, it is well known that a fascist is currently prime minster of Italy for the first time since the Second World War.

Under Pope JPII, Ratzinger declared war on Liberation theology and base communities in South and Central America including harassing (now) saint Oscar Romero and silencing the saintly and courageous Bishop Casigalida in the Amazon.  Opus Dei members were involved in the overthrow of Allende’s duly elected democratic government in Chile and Ratzinger hired the former papal ambassador to Chile and buddy to Pinochet as his secretary of state.

“Opus Dei: The Influential Ultra-Conservative Christian Sect.” 2002 mini-documentary by Journeyman Pictures.

Regarding North American politics, studies reveal that Ratzinger was responsible for John Kerry’s defeat to Bush in 2008 because of his intervening with the election by loudly condemning Catholic politicians who support Roe vs. Wade.  Three states, one being New Mexico, went for Bush because of Benedict’s intervention–enough to determine the election. 

Consider how their elevating Opus Dei to prominence resulted in its vast influence on the Supreme Court along with the American press.  Benedict’s handpicked hierarchy in the Americas and Europe follow closely its fascist “values.”  

The most recent president of the Episcopal conference, the archbishop of LA, is himself a member of Opus Dei. Such bishops demonstrate little reluctance to interfere in presidential elections or cases before Congress or the Supreme Court.  

Handpicked for referral to the Supreme Court by Opus Dei operative Leonardo Leo: (L-R Top): justices Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, Samuel Alito, (Bottom) Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett. Wikimedia Commons.

Consider also the catholic rich man’s club called Napa Institute that meets annually gathering super rich right wingers to cheer on speakers like Steve Bannon and his pal Cardinal Burke and others like them.  We know the gods whom Steve Bannon worships.

Consider the role of Leo Leonardo in choosing all of the current far right wing extremist supreme court judges.  The role that he and other Opus Dei operatives play in the media currently constitutes gaslighting occurring around the telling of Benedict’s story. Gaslighting is a kind of mythology-making, or abuse by lying. Following Benedict’s death last week, a niagara of saccharine sentimentalism is flooding much Catholic and secular media serving to cover up his actions as chief inquisitor and pope. 

Carl Jung warns that sentimentalism and violence are invariably  companions.

See Matthew Fox, The Pope’s War: Why Ratzinger’s Secret Crusade Has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be Saved, pp. 112-124, 127ff.

To read the transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.

Banner Image: Rise of fascism in the U.S.: Proud Boys speak up for former Chilean strongman Pinochet in a 2019 rally; this week, the NYPD gave Proud Boys free subway rides to protest a drag queen event. Photo by Anthony Crider on Flickr.

Queries for Contemplation

Do you think fascism and the teachings of Jesus are compatible?  Why or why not?

Recommended Reading

The Pope’s War: Why Ratzinger’s Secret Crusade Has Imperiled the Church and How It Can Be Saved

The Pope’s War offers a provocative look at three decades of corruption in the Catholic Church, focusing on Josef Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. The final section in the book focuses on birthing a truly catholic Christianity.
“This book should be read by everybody, not only for its ferocious courage, but also for its vision for what needs to be saved from the destructive forces that threaten authentic Christianity.” ~ Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope.
“In the gripping The Pope’s War, Matthew Fox takes an unwavering look at the layers of corruption in the Catholic Church, holding moral truth against power.”   — Jason Berry, author of Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II

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16 thoughts on “Pope Benedict’s Political Legacy”

  1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall:
    Richard Reich-Kuykendall:

    Today in our meditation we see then Cardinal Josef Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II at the canonization of Opus Dei founder Jose-Maria Escriva. Regarding North American politics, studies reveal that Ratzinger was responsible for John Kerry’s defeat to Bush in 2008 because of his intervening with the election by loudly condemning Catholic politicians who support Roe vs. Wade. Three states, one being New Mexico, went for Bush because of Benedict’s intervention–enough to determine the election. Then consider the role of Leo Leonardo in choosing all of the current far right wing extremist supreme court judges. The role that he and other Opus Dei operatives play in the media currently constitutes gaslighting occurring around the telling of Benedict’s story. Gaslighting is a kind of mythology-making, or abuse by lying. Following Benedict’s death last week, a Niagara of saccharine sentimentalism is flooding much Catholic and secular media serving to cover up his actions as chief inquisitor and pope. And more than that, I am hearing in Catholic circles that many are already saying Benedict XVI is sure to be made a saint, right in line with Father Junipero Serra. But today you ask us: “Do you think fascism and the teachings of Jesus are compatible?” Absolutely not, but Jesus was not a political figure. Though he taught that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves–he also taught us to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” It is clear from the things Jesus taught that he would definitely not be for a totalitarian government run by a dictator, though that is what the early Christians dealt with in Caesar…

  2. How do we bring healing to ‘the divide’ with a force greater than that which creates the divide? Not everyone is correct and not everyone is wrong. Where is our understanding, listening and bringing of sides together or do we just act to fuel the fires of divide? There is a peaceful, common ground that cares, sustains, feeds and welcomes the weary and don’t most fighting these ‘battles’ get weary? If God provides that respite from pain, fatigue and frustration, should we not also offer it? If we desire to see ‘the saint’ in all of us, we need to start by recognizing that is it there, in the image of God. — BB.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall:
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall:

      Yes Bill, and it also means letting be, letting go and forgiving–that is the way of the via negativa.

  3. Even before the foundations of Christianity began, religion and state have operated politically, judicially and economically in support of their agenda for influential power and control over the masses thinking; invoking seperation between mind, body and soul. Through this union was birthed heirarchal/patriarchal institutions such as Opus Dei, within the Catholic Church. The psychological damage inflicted through mind control and the tortuous self infliction of mortification continued to manifest this seperation; under the false guise of purification and sanctification that they claim leads to sainthood. This is a form of genocide against our humanity!

    This injustice infuriated Jesus. The deeper message hidden in the radical temple story is the inner temple of the union of mind, body and soul that Jesus was concerned about, as being sacred holy ground, the dwelling place of the essence/presence of the divine Holy Spirit of God/Goddess incarnate within the mind, body and soul of humanity. Jesus was all about restoring, healing and resurrecting this sacred union, through right relationship with. The vision of the Kingdom that lies within, is the marriage of the Holy Spirit of divinity seeded and sealed within our humanity, manifesting through the sacred union of mind, body and soul, demonstrated through acts of love, compassion and mercy. That’s the pathway to sainthood that he walked and encouraged others to follow the way of.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall:
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall:

      Jeanette, Yes you’re right: “Even before the foundations of Christianity began, religion and state have operated politically, judicially and economically in support of their agenda for influential power and control over the masses thinking”–and that’s what it always it, Control.

  4. Great DM Matthew exposing the history and growth of fascism in the Catholic Church, and in your book, “The Pope’s War.” This prophetic expose of the destructive fascist and political/religious ongoing influence on our human society of the two previous popes and Opus Dei is unfortunately something most people are not aware of, and definitely most catholics. In my comment remarks yesterday, I shared that our human history of the evils and suffering caused by egocentricity and the related toxic and unbalanced patriarchal values continues in our societal and religious institutions, and this definitely includes the patriarchal church as exemplified by the negative societal influence of the two previous popes and Opus Dei as you and others have researched and exposed. God and true spirituality is a Spirit of Love that includes Truth, Peace, Justice, Freedom, Healing, Transformation, Compassionate Service with one another… Our faith, prayers, and daily actions within God’s Spirit of Divine Love~Wisdom~Truth~Power… in our hearts and lives with one another are essential on our human and eternal spiritual journeys….

  5. Phila Hoopes

    #MishapsOfMultitasking: While Matthew Fox was writing this DM, he was also drafting his video teaching, primarily about Opus Dei activity in Peru. As a result, he referred in the written and emailed DM to Allende as the president of Peru. Not so! Allende was the president of Chile. We’ve corrected the misstatement — thank you to all who wrote — and we regret the error. Thank you for your understanding!
    Phila Hoopes
    Blog Coordinator

  6. Do the Opus Dei members of the Supreme Court and other powerful members in positions of influence live in austerity and humility? Do they accept gifts of money and favor? If so, can they explain why?

    And why secrecy? If they aim to help people, let them be open about their intentions, operations and financial sources. Secrecy invites suspicion of wrongdoing, of under the table wheeling and dealing, of corruption and pride, of dangerous uses of power. If they wish to be exemplars of goodness and humility, let them show us their entire faces. They must be trust-worthy before they demand our “obedient trust”. Sneakiness is not a sign of respect and honesty. We invite them to be respectfully humble and completely forthcoming.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall:
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall:

      Melinda, Thanks for your comment. And lets “invite them to be respectfully humble and completely forthcoming.” Do you think they will accept our invite ???

  7. Well, I always did think Cardinal Ratzinger’s name fit him. I can recall a time in Rockford, Illinois when Matthew spoke at a glorious celebration for creation spirituality. I, also, remember, sadly, that Matthew commented that Cardinal Ratzinger had his “spys” everywhere – meaning they might have been in Rockford. I truly believe in not creating a large divide among people’s – clergy – but, the truth must be told and spoken loudly. I grew up in the era where we would “speak truth to power”. It was right then and is right now.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall:
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall:

      Taj, You write today: “I grew up in the era where we would ‘speak truth to power’. It was right then and is right now.” And so, speak on !!!

  8. The United States has a history of being complicit in some of the Latin American fascism. Most notably is the case referenced in this Daily Meditation of President Allende and Chile

    Allende was the democratically elected leader of Chile not Peru and Pinochet took over the leadership after the coup.

    It is now public record that this coup was orchestrated by the CIA but direct order of then President Richard Nixon. Nixon ordered this coup at the request of the President & CEO of Pepsi Cola.

    Further connecting the dots, Nixon was close friends and political ally with Don Kendall, the then President of Pepsi

  9. Well said Matthew
    The truth sets us free. The creation of “Christian nationhood “ destroyed the vision of Jesus and leads to oppression and the doctrine of discovery.
    I am glad you are today an Anglican. You bring energy and hope to faith in an enlightened and emergent manner.

  10. Thank you, Matthew, for your brave, detailed teaching about the fascistization of the Catholic Church and the world.
    I think Jesus lived, taught, healed, died, and rose so that human beings could become radically free and share the gift of freedom with others who may not yet realize they have a right to and capacity for freedom. Fascism, on the other hand, is based on fear and seeks to bind people to fear of violent retaliation if they freely live out their particular callings to love themselves, others, God and creation.
    I hope those of us who feel called to follow Jesus can help each other to live the freedom God gives us, loving and serving in the myriad wonderful ways we’re called to love and serve, no matter what the cost.

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