What it Means to be an American & How Prayer & Compassion Can Help
Today will be my final day of sharing these gems of truth from the writings of Matthew Fox, and I thank him, and you, for
Today will be my final day of sharing these gems of truth from the writings of Matthew Fox, and I thank him, and you, for
Today we will look at “A Sensual Mysticism.” But by sensual, we don’t mean “erotic,” which implies pleasure. The Latin root for sensual is “sesualis”
Today we will look at the place of Deep Ecumenism in our walk along the Via Transformativa. BUDDHA AND JESUS Buddha lived a full life
“What does it take to bring the healthy mother back to balance with the healthy father in us all?” Just read on to find out
Now that you have been welcomed to the Via Transformativa, let us focus today on various acts of justice-making. Then, as you are reading, ask
In speaking of the Via Transformativa, Matthew says in Matthew Fox: Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality, “The creation spiritual journey culminates in compassion—which is both
Today, we finish a week on the Via Creativa. Among today’s quotations are some on learning and science, as well as quotations on diversity. After
Today, all of the quotations are from Matthew’s book, Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet. Try to meditate on each quotation and see what
Today we see how Matthew views the arts as more than painting, writing, and music. And we shall also see how the New Cosmology shows
Today we will look at a number of things that Matthew has to say about the Via Creativa. However, I first want to point out
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