Is there One Advent—or Several?
We have been meditating on the Dark Night of the Soul and Society and our Species because it is Advent and Winter Solstice, a time
We have been meditating on the Dark Night of the Soul and Society and our Species because it is Advent and Winter Solstice, a time
Advent and Hannukah season are now both upon us. Each brings promises of light to a world clearly wrapped in darkness at this time of history.
February 13, 2023. Sacred Light & Creation in Buddhism, Christianity, ScienceBuddha said, “Be ye lamps unto yourselves.” Meanwhile, in the Bible we are told not
The idea of the “Cosmic Christ” is the primary Christian archetype for mysticism and a renewal of the sacredness of creation. I once heard a
February 6, 2023. Light, Science, and Moving beyond DualismWe’re meditating on the light that floods our universe. Nobel Prize–winner Ilya Prigogine, tells us: For every
It is interesting that the creation story in Genesis says that light was the first of the creations of God. This is not unlike a major
We are holding up the all-important scientific discovery of our time that can put an end to the dangerous dualism of matter vs. spirit that
By defining our bodies as specially organized light, physicist David Bohm is employing the metaphor of the Divine that may be the oldest and the
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