God, Justice and Concern for the “Unregarded”
Rabbi Heschel cautions that it is not enough to have a regard for the Ground of Being. We must also have “concern for the unregarded.” This is
Rabbi Heschel cautions that it is not enough to have a regard for the Ground of Being. We must also have “concern for the unregarded.” This is
Yesterday we meditated on being, interbeing and compassion and how returning to our Source and touching being leads to fruitful action from non-action. To recognize
We have been meditating on how God is Being and how holy being is. The Book of Acts recalls the earliest days of Christianity and cites
Thomas Aquinas reminds us that “to exist is the most perfect thing of all, for compared to existence, everything else is potential.” And that “God is
Yesterday we considered the understanding of God as our “ground” and how we can, in Julian’s words, access divinity and our true selves by “digging
Yesterday we meditated on the need to dig deep to get to our true self. Sometimes suffering is a gateway to truth. Julian of Norwich
Human beings have to dig and work at finding our deep and true self. If we do not, we live superficially out of fear or greed
We have been considering non-dualism as championed by MLK Jr and Pere Chenu, feminist writer Rosemary Ruether, Thich Nhat Hanh and many more. Non-dualism includes
We are discussing how Martin Luther King, Jr. and Père Chenu agree that dualism is a “strange” and “unbiblical” (or unJewish) way to look at
Yesterday we considered how we all give birth to the Cosmic Christ not unlike how Mary gave birth at Christmas time. We meditated on Thomas Merton’s
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