MLK Jr. and M. D. Chenu Critique Today’s Economics
On the eve of the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, today’s headline stands out: “Richest 1% bag two-thirds of $42 trillion in new wealth.”
On the eve of the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, today’s headline stands out: “Richest 1% bag two-thirds of $42 trillion in new wealth.”
In a previous DM, I cited Gus Speth, the environmental lawyer who came to realize that the crisis of climate change is not so much
During these “12 days of Christmas” we are asking whether the suffering of the past year might serve as a portal to a New Normal,
We have been meditating on a possible “New Normal” for a New Year. Might the coronavirus crisis become a “portal” for a new and fairer
Speaking of community, it is fitting to ask the following question: What is the opposite of community? What are the primary obstacles of community? Let
We have been sharing new visions of economics offered by David Korten, Anita Roddick, Serge Latouche, Sr. Jose Hobday, Naomi Klein. The economics that built
We have been considering in a number of recent daily meditations the reality of our current economic/political status and fresh ideas for a more just,
Naomi Klein is speaking to the current emergency of Climate Change. Her thinking is also inclusive, it seems to me, to the waking up happening
Naomi Klein is in my opinion another prophet on behalf of an economics that will work for all peoples and the planet and future generations
We are meditating on alternative economics that will serve all people and all the creatures of Mother Earth. Yesterday, Serge Latouche emphasized simplifying our lifestyles
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