Speaking of Notre Dame AND Trump, A Report from Andy Borowitz
In two recent DM’s, we meditated on the meaning of Notre Dame’s reopening and before that on Trump’s election on November 5th. It seems I was
In two recent DM’s, we meditated on the meaning of Notre Dame’s reopening and before that on Trump’s election on November 5th. It seems I was
Yesterday, in response to a candid assessment by Pope Francis about the “suicidal’ conservatism of too many American bishops, whom he recognized as “closed up
Our two most recent DMs celebrated the life and work of Norman Lear who revolutionized television comedy and television itself by daring to shed light
Norman Lear was a champion of moral imagination, as all prophets are. I believe Norman Lear was a holy man employing a saintliness fit for
Yesterday in our meditation and video we learned from Broken Walk, and from an indigenous student of mine, and from Hafiz, of the heart dimension
Sometimes history—including current history—is so absurd that it has to make one laugh (as well as cry). People with intense ideologies–and fascism is nothing if it
An important part of survival for our species whether in good times or in bad—and especially in bad—is humor, and play, which in turn feed
Remember our meditations on the spiritual fool Ken Feit who reminded us we can and should make fun of most things in life? Well, humor
Another contribution from spiritual fool Ken Feit (did you see the YouTube video of his work in our DM on 10/20? Another video is below…)
In yesterday’s and today’s meditations we are looking back to earlier DMs when we talked about Meditation that leads to prophetic action. Why? Because we
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