Politics, Science, Spirituality and Spiritual Warriors
In yesterday’s DM, I made reference to the anniversaries of January 6 and November 5 as being demarcations for our time of political apocalypse and
In yesterday’s DM, I made reference to the anniversaries of January 6 and November 5 as being demarcations for our time of political apocalypse and
In this Christmas season, it is good to bring more alive the mystic—that is the lover—in all of us. As well as the spiritual warrior or
I am thinking of the funeral of my oldest brother Tom taking place today in the land of the aurora and great lights, Iceland, where
Last week I shared stories of my oldest brother Tom who passed on and a little bit about my brother Nat who passed on four
As boats made their way along the Seine, loaded with athletes from around the world, dance of many variations was celebrated: Ordinary citizens of many
Speaking of creativity that should mark the spirituality and value system of a post-mechanistic universe based on “cosmogenesis,” I wish to cheer the courage and
[FROM THE ARCHIVE: February 8, 2022] We are trying to bring some feminist awareness–such as protecting Mother Earth–to the current political scene where, alas!, one
In recent daily meditations, we have been considering the immense role that the Via Creativa plays in Thomas Aquinas’s theology. Being an “image of God” is
We are considering Meister Eckhart’s powerful sermon on emptying (the Via Negativa) and creating (the Via Creativa) about a “rapid river that divinizes us” in
We are meditating on St. Brigid within the context of the “Magnificat” and the original 12th century “Hail Mary.” Instead of dwelling on patriarchy’s labeling
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