From Aquinas to Sunken Ship Rescue: The Amazing Ingenuity of Humanity
Last night I saw a documentary on the raising of the half-sunken ship Costa Concordia from its watery grave near the Giglio Porto at Tuscan Island off
Last night I saw a documentary on the raising of the half-sunken ship Costa Concordia from its watery grave near the Giglio Porto at Tuscan Island off
For some time now we have been meditating on Evil. This is so important to do. Spirituality is not ultimately about comfort. It is about living a life
In the past two DMs we have been dealing with Brian Swimme’s story of how differently 50,000 chimps and 50,000 humans will act in a
Yesterday we meditated on our cosmic and earthly belonging and how wonderful it is to belong to this universe of two trillion galaxies and to this exuberant
We humans are not always good at governing ourselves and getting along. It’s a struggle. We have tried and are still experimenting with many versions of
Why is reuniting the psyche and the cosmos so important? Many people when they hear such talk will say “it sounds abstract”; or “I have more
One of Thich Nhat Hanh’s favorite teachings was that experience must trump dogmas in religion. We must get out of our heads and into our
In yesterday’s DM, I conclude from the new scientific story of the universe and with the words of astrophysicist Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams, that
Primack and Abrams remind us that not only is the time of the universe in which we live special, but so too is our size.
While acknowledging the need for ecumenism both as Interfaith and Intrafaith, Bede Griffiths offers a very sobering analysis: all of it is for nought if
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