Week of 1/20-25/2025: The Continued Call for Spiritual Warriors
January 20, 2025: Speaking of Spiritual Warriors: MLK, Jr. Day, 2025MLK was a powerful example of a spiritual warrior who preached and lived Jesus’ teachings
January 20, 2025: Speaking of Spiritual Warriors: MLK, Jr. Day, 2025MLK was a powerful example of a spiritual warrior who preached and lived Jesus’ teachings
July 22, 2024: The Unhappiness of Young Adults World Over: A Scientific StudyA recent article shares with us disturbing news about the state of young
[FROM THE ARCHIVE: 5/29/2019] Let us explore more fully the story of Sister Dot and her martyrdom on behalf of Mother Earth. At Sister Dot’s funeral
August 14, 2023. Welcome to the Via TransformativaWe explore Matthew’s thoughts on the Via Transformativa. He says: The creation-centered spiritual tradition considers compassion rather than contemplation as the fulfillment
Now that you have been welcomed to the Via Transformativa, let us focus today on various acts of justice-making. Then, as you are reading, ask
We have been meditating on how love overcomes fear and courage is born of a big heart, a loving heart. Loving something more than the fear
May 15, 2023. The First Daily Meditation, Mother’s Day 2019We revisit the very first Daily Meditation four years ago, in which Matthew shares a dream
We are meditating on empires and colonialism and religions’ complicity in both. Englanders sometimes raise the story that some Africans themselves were in league with
Each Sunday, we are offering a brief summary of the meditations from the previous week, as a kind of “index” inviting you to return to
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