Darkness, Ground and Silence in our Spiritual Journeying
Silence is everywhere if we are journeying deeply. Silence is elicited in all of the Four Paths that creation spirituality names as our deep spiritual
Silence is everywhere if we are journeying deeply. Silence is elicited in all of the Four Paths that creation spirituality names as our deep spiritual
Yesterday we meditated on the important work that rupture sometimes plays in bringing forth the shaman in self and society. David Palladin, John of the
Another way to unpack the “more primordial” is to undergo rupture, loss or deep suffering. I pose this important question: Are the ruptures we are
In yesterday’s DM artist-shaman David Palladin taught us that suffering teaches us something profound–we learn “that our wounds are not ours but the world’s and
For my part, the inaugural festivities of yesterday did not disappoint. I recall many years ago, when I was in my early twenties and JFK
A new administration, committed to competence and caring, with leadership by a president-elect who is very experienced in national government and a vice president-elect who
The time of an inauguration of a new president and vice president is a commencement—a beginning, and with a new beginning there arises hope. Fresh
Here in Northern California the wildfires continue to rage. Talk about Mother Nature having the last word — nothing could be more obvious as over
Contemplation has its limits and to ignore those limits can invite shadow into our efforts at inner work. This is true of all the Four
There can be no in-depth or spiritual living without solitude. Otto Rank, who has been credited with fathering the humanistic school of psychology that boasts
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