In these days of climate change, war, rampant corporate greed and undisguised governmental corruption, each of us is called to step up as mystic-warrior, prophet, and healer for our planet.
But where to begin? How to keep hope alive? How to hold on to the beauty of the earth in the face of desecration, and create in the face of massive destruction? How to avoid burnout when activists around the world are being silenced?
These are questions that Matthew Fox and his Legacy Project confront every day … and offer expert knowledge and practical tools for you to use on your own journey:
through Daily Meditations teaching the principles of Creation Spirituality and applying them to news of the Vatican, the U.S., and the world,
through visionary online, recorded, and in-person workshops on practical mysticism and prophetic action to create positive change in our world,
through inspiring collaborations with global thought-leaders in advancing the “four E’s” – a new Economics that works for everyone; wisdom-based Education; deep Ecumenism; and deep Ecology,
through opportunities for post-modern worship through the Stations of the Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Mass,
through ongoing guidance and mentorship in the pioneering Wisdom Education tradition,
and through the deeply ecumenical, deeply ecological work of the Order of the Sacred Earth in protecting and defending Mother Earth to the best of members’ ability.
This is the work that continues to change the culture…to awaken the spiritually asleep…and to open the doors to acceptance of our planetary home as sacred.
If you believe that spiritual change is a critical foundation for needed social and environmental change, we invite you to contribute to the work of the Matthew Fox Legacy Project. Your tax-deductible donation will make a crucial difference…and will support only the work of Creation Spirituality in the world..
To donate, you may either use the form on this page, or write a check to MFLP and send it to Dennis Edwards, Executive Director, at P.O. Box 424533, San Francisco, CA 94142. MFLP is a 5013c and thus your gift is tax deductible.
With gratitude to all the supporters of the Legacy Project…and love for the world it continues to change…
Dennis Edwards
Executive Director