Compassion, Eckhart, and Humanity’s Future
I am genuinely excited about a new class I am teaching with Shift Network beginning tomorrow, called “Cultivating Compassion in Spirituality: What Meister Eckhart &
I am genuinely excited about a new class I am teaching with Shift Network beginning tomorrow, called “Cultivating Compassion in Spirituality: What Meister Eckhart &
Yesterday, on Christmas, we cited Peter’s epistle and Clement of Alexandria and Saint Irenaeus, a second century Celtic bishop in Lyons, France, about God becoming
More good news about humanity’s capacity for compassion, and therefore nobility, comes from the city of St. Louis. In an article entitled “St. Lous Looks to
Yesterday’s DM ended this way: Where are our “defense departments” when we need them? Can’t the climate crisis awaken all humans everywhere to address the common foe:
We cited Ernest Becker in yesterday’s DM who alerts us to our capacity, thanks to science and to “authentic religion” (I call that spirituality) to
March 27, 2023. God, the Holy Spirit as Fire & CompassionMany mystics equate Divinity with fire and with compassion. Hildegard of Bingen said, “Who is
The Holy Spirit is often depicted by the mystics as a kind of fire. Thus Hildegard of Bingen writes: Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is
March 20, 2023. Thomas Aquinas & Deepak Chopra on “the Glory of Existence”Here we meditate on thoughts from both Aquinas and Chopra about the “glory
Yesterday we meditated on being, interbeing and compassion and how returning to our Source and touching being leads to fruitful action from non-action. To recognize
We have been meditating on being (and therefore on non-being also) as we consider names for Divinity that call to us today. A return to the
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