On Becoming a Spiritual Warrior in a Time of Apocalypse
A spiritual warrior takes care of his or her body and soul in order to be strong. And a spiritual warrior knows what he or
A spiritual warrior takes care of his or her body and soul in order to be strong. And a spiritual warrior knows what he or
This week in our meditations I have invoked cosmologist Brian Swimme and Seneca educator Sister Jose Hobday. Science and indigenous wisdom can assist us in times
We meditated yesterday on the synchronicities in the release of my newest book on Father Sky for children with my just-released book on the Antichrist.
August 21, 2023: Père Chenu, Mentor and Namer of Creation SpiritualityMatthew tells us about the memorable teaching of his mentor and soul-friend Père Chenu, who
Another response to our recent Cosmic Mass at the POWR in Chicago came from an older man who came up to me afterwards, said this
One reason the cosmos is on my mind is that we just celebrated a “Cosmic Mass” (TCM) in honor of the Sacredness of Earth (and
This past Saturday morning at 2:30 am, I returned from the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago where, among other things, I and a team
Caring for Mother Earth in a perilous time of climate change is surely caring for the young. Not to care for Mother Earth—and to ignore or
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