Teilhard and Aquinas Battling Dualism
Teilhard, like Thomas Aquinas before him, waged an incessant battle against dualism. Aquinas did it by moving from Plato and Augustine to Aristotle. Teilhard, for example,
Teilhard, like Thomas Aquinas before him, waged an incessant battle against dualism. Aquinas did it by moving from Plato and Augustine to Aristotle. Teilhard, for example,
One story that really rang a bell for me in the new film on Teilhard was this: The original buzz saw he ran into with
Having spent the last DMs on the bad news of Christofascism and Patriarchy and their many incarnations at SCOTUS and Opus Dei, it is a
Yesterday we celebrated the news from today’s science that can shake up spirituality profoundly because it melts the dualism between spirit and matter that religions
Yesterday we remembered some important teachings from Oscar Romero, who died a martyr in the struggle for justice in his country of El Salvador, gunned
January 23, 2023. MLK, Chenu & Aquinas on Nondualism and the Body Politic.Aquinas reminds us that the common good is more divine that personal liberties.
Beginning with Dr. King’s teaching that dualism is a “strange” and unbiblical” teaching, we have since his birthday been focusing on his and Chenu’s and
The late Buddhist monk and saint Thich Nhat Hanh promises that “the valuable jewels in the Christian tradition will be rediscovered” when it rediscovers “non-duality.” This
January 16, 2023. Dr. King on the Failures of Religion.King had issues with churches who “hide behind stained glass windows” and refuse to engage in
We are discussing how Martin Luther King, Jr. and Père Chenu agree that dualism is a “strange” and “unbiblical” (or unJewish) way to look at
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