Further Recovering of a Sense of the Sacred
Holiness and the sacred applies to plants and to trees and to stars, as Thomas Merton sees it: Every plant that stands in the light
Holiness and the sacred applies to plants and to trees and to stars, as Thomas Merton sees it: Every plant that stands in the light
Today, the day I write this DM, is the Feast Day of Hildegard of Bingen and you are reading it the day following her feast
CORRECTION: Yesterday I received a letter from Teresa Phillips of the Office of Justice, Peace, and Care of Creation from the Sisters of Notre Dame de
I am now in Orvieto, Italy, where I am on pilgrimage, one might say, to a place that was dear to Thomas Aquinas. I am leading
Resurrection is an archetype filled with meaning and promise that can move us beyond fear and doubt, to joyful action and building a “new creation”
We are meditating with Scott Russell Sanders on our connection to Father Sky. He recalls a particular moment on emerging from his car one night. I
Not only Thomas Aquinas, but Eastern mystics too call us to wisdom by way cosmic awareness. French philosopher Gabriel Marcel finds a necessary connection between cosmos
Is the Cosmos an Original Blessing? I sort of think so. And I also think that every human being should be aware of and convinced of this.
My deep thanks to Rick Reich for filling in for me this past month at the Daily Meditations. And for other members of our team who
My apologies for a mistake I made in my meditation on Earth Day. But it’s not so bad a mistake–it’s sort of a positive Freudian
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