A Question from Lewiston, Gaza, Israel, and the Globe
This morning I received from a friend in New England, a powerful essay from a man whose children were home because their school near Lewiston
This morning I received from a friend in New England, a powerful essay from a man whose children were home because their school near Lewiston
A fine article in the Washington Post this weekend by Christine Emba explored the cause of the American gun fetish. In America today there are about 393 million
Hearing the news these days sometimes feels like we’re living in a swirl and whirlpool of Evil. One day it’s numerous grand juries investigating a former
As I write this meditation I am aware that Passover began last night for the Jewish people and today is what Christians call “Holy Thursday”
We have been meditating on God as Love and Compassion and Justice. Another way to say this is that when we are busy loving or doing
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