Aquinas’s Medicine for Greed–Listen up, y’all!
In the past two DM’s we have talked about how Greed is behind the current Republican budget that wants to cut over a trillion dollars
In the past two DM’s we have talked about how Greed is behind the current Republican budget that wants to cut over a trillion dollars
In yesterday’s DM, we emphasized the missing conscience of so many congresspeople at this time in history. Conscience that sees beyond one’s desire to keep one’s
In Saturday’s DM we meditated on “Ecumenism, Spiritual Warriorhood, and Common Survival,” and invoked the Episcopal and Roman Catholic bishops of Washington, D.C. finding common
In Saturday’s DM, we meditated on the lessons of Extravagance, Generosity, Magnanimity and Expansion that the universe teaches us. And in yesterday’s DM, we meditated on Interdependence
This week in our meditations I have invoked cosmologist Brian Swimme and Seneca educator Sister Jose Hobday. Science and indigenous wisdom can assist us in times
In my recent book on Trump & The MAGA Movement as Anti-Christ: A Handbook for the 2024 Election, I present a chapter entitled: “Jesus and Democracy.”
Today a formal press release appeared announcing my new book, Trump & the MAGA Movement as Anti-Christ: A Handbook for the 2024 Election, which is
September 2, 2024: Aquinas vs. Trump, SCOTUS & Antichrist: My New BookMatthew’s new book, Trump & MAGA as Anti-christ: A Handbook for the 2024 Election, was necessarily
A second citation from Aquinas on the first page of my new book invokes his teachings that a democracy is preferable to a tyranny “where
We began this week by sharing two DMs from Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff on the meaning of a female president of the United States, should
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