Folly & Faux Masculinity, Neo-fascism and Violence
Behind the violence in our time so visible in men hiding behind assault weapons and killing 19 children in grade school; or killing 10 black
Behind the violence in our time so visible in men hiding behind assault weapons and killing 19 children in grade school; or killing 10 black
Following are some exercises to stand up to the malicious forces that can gather at the seventh chakra. 1. Regarding sectarianism, what have you done
In yesterday’s meditation, we spoke about idolatry. Thomas Merton offered some insights about idolatry in our day that, with time, have proven to be powerfully prophetic.
Ruth Marcus asks the obvious question: “Why do we let children buy firearms?” The answer is: Idolatry. Let me explain. I think a big chunk of America
A psychologist offering advice in a time of school shootings advised parents to “Reassure the children that adults are there to take care of them.”
Yesterday, we celebrated Walt Whitman’s birthday as a “Bard of 7th Chakra Numinosity.” One valuable reason for comparing the seven chakras and seven capital sins is that
We see in the tradition of Satan how prominent a role the seventh chakra plays. The issue is community versus destruction of community. The conflict
Cosmology is part of the depicting of Evil in the Bible. There is a kind of “cosmic war” being felt in the first century when the
We will recall that Lakota teacher Buck Ghosthorse alerted us to how “fear is the door in the heart that lets evil spirits in.” Are there
What then is envy? Envy has been defined as “sorrow over another’s good insofar as it impedes one’s own excellence.” Aquinas says, “Envy is felt
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