Speaking of Nothingness: The Supreme Court as a Nothingburger

The current Supreme Court has devolved into a vile experience of Political Nothingness.  Political hacks and religious quacks have reduced it to an intellectual joke and judicial embarrassment.

No Justice, No Peace. Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Of course, its majority was put together purposefully by politicians who included a president who refused to quit when he was voted out and who, himself, appointed three of them alone; an Opus Dei operative who sent their names for approval to the Senate majority leader; the same Senate majority leader inventing a rule that no Democratic (or black) president is allowed to appoint a judge in his last year of office, BUT (no surprise) suspended that made-up rule to rush through a political hack as a Supreme Court judge while an election was actually in progress.

The current de facto acting Chief Justice (not the appointed one) has a wife who is an insurrectionist, who called for overthrowing the government and was inside the White House sanctum in face-to-face conversations with the presidential Chief of Staff while also cheering on many other powerful people of the extreme right telling them to overthrow elections, and more.

“Tear gas outside United States Capitol on 6 January 2021” by Tyler Merbler from USA, Wikimedia Commons

When the acting Chief Justice was asked, along with the other justices, to pronounce on whether the former president’s papers under scrutiny by the January 6 commission could be scrutinized, he did not recuse himself but voted “No.”  Being the only Supreme Court judge to vote thus, on an 8-1 vote, it turns out (surprise?) that his insurrectionist wife’s interactions with the White House just happened to be among those documents he voted to keep from the commission’s scrutiny.

How supreme is that?  Supremely immoral? Supremely self-serving?  Supremely arrogant?  Supremely in your face?  Supremely successful in leaving the Court not only embarrassed, but diminished in the eyes of the nation. To be continued.

See Matthew Fox, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Transforming Evil in Soul and Society, pp. xxxviii, 258-263, 300.
To read a transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.
Banner image: Gavel. Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Queries for Contemplation

After this Supreme Court, what?

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15 thoughts on “Speaking of Nothingness: The Supreme Court as a Nothingburger”

  1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
    Richard Reich-Kuykendall

    Matthew, Before Harvey Cox’s THE SECULAR CITY, most theologians divided everything between the sacred and the secular. The Church was the place where one studied the “sacred,” whereas you studied “secular” things in “the world”–apart from God. Cox was saying it was time to see the sacred in the secular, and you do this over and over in your discussions of political topics–which respectable church goers don’t discuss in Church. Politics is a thing of “the world”– the secular- NOT the sacred. And yet you, as Cox say it is. These are the things prophets speak out about ! Today you ask us: “After this Supreme Court, what?” To tell you the truth, I don’t have a clue. Since Supreme Court positions are life positions (why in God’s name?) it seems it will be a while before we will have another Supreme Court. You ask: “How supreme is that? Supremely immoral? Supremely self-serving? Supremely arrogant?” Yes, yes, and yes !!!

  2. Thank you Mathew for your continuous consciousness raising. This morning, I am mourning for all that we are witnessing in the destructions that we have perpetrated on the Earth and each other. If my memory serves correctly, I remember watching the Dracula movie as a little boy and this phrase at the beginning of the movie:
    “What gives Dracula his power is that no one believes that anyone or anything that evil could exists.” Can there be any doubt now that we see before our eyes so many I’s (ego driven power hungry leaders) who want us blind to their harmful actions? They are Perpetrators, Predators, and Pharisees that are attempting to Permeate their Poison into the most Sacred Manifestations of our Creator among us. Recognizing their “P’s.” we can put them septic tanks where their nothingness belongs, giving them to our Mother Earth who knows how to recycle their walking fertilizer, where it can be useful in helping the plants on our planet to grow. It is our task to recognize them and call each of them to task now, while also forgiving them as Jesus said, for they do not realize what the do. (Avidya) (Spiritual Ignorance) that they ignore facing in themselves. This process must be accomplished carefully, so any mistaken hatred towards them does not boomerang back to us and interfere with our Light and Love within and towards one another. Quite Olympic Spiritual Lessons!!! I am grateful that there are many of us growing in Lighted Consciousness that can mirror back to them all their homicidal/suicidal actions, psychologically, one and the same process. I share two views from my website: My article https://drdarrylpokea.com/lucidity-through-darkness/ and my Jan’s satiric play at the end of this article https://drdarrylpokea.com/lessons-from-light-shining-through-depression/ that shows the end result….

    1. Interesting points, Darryl. Even Jesus would have agreed with your assessment on the morbidity of the carnal (egoic) mind as at lethal odds (enmity) with his own, and which he sought to redeem us from. But unlike you, would have said so in the spirit of the new format (180 word limit). Brevity, after all, is the soul of wisdom.

    2. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall

      Darryl, Our new policy is that your comment cannot be longer than 180 words. Keep that in mind next time you write in, other wise your comment will not be posted.

    3. I am a 81 yr. Old woman, and eternally grateful to Matthew and this community of people who are helping me to survive this un presidents time by continuing to speak truth. Just like the prophets of old. Thank you and Blessings be yours. Please keep going so I may share with my family.. we need you.

  3. Nowhere is the flawed human tendency to think in binary (dualistic) terms more in evidence than in the two-party system, which is why dissatisfaction with same is at an all-time high (62%, Gallup). Because the court system involves political appointees, it becomes flawed along similar lines. Given only two “viable” (mutually exclusive) choices, voters must shoehorn themselves into one party’s vision, which makes it harder to register their ambivalences, and nuance the inclusive truth(s) that may reconcile their divisive differences. Jesus never fell into the binary trap, and always answered the dualistic thinking of both politicians (Caesar) and priests (Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes) in a manner that was above them all, speaking a higher truth. Seems that integral priesthood would do likewise today by encouraging folk to develop a middle-path (non-dualistic) perspective when called for, and thus avoid the trap of worldly (cosmos) thinking and perceiving. Such wisdom averts the same unregenerate flaw of the Caesars and religionists of old. The system needs an overhaul, and it seems the place of truth-talkers is to advocate for same, not choose sides.

  4. Nowhere is the flawed human tendency to think in binary (dualistic) terms more in evidence than in the two-party system, which is why dissatisfaction with same is at an all-time high (62%, Gallup). Because the court system involves political appointees, it becomes flawed along similar lines. Given only two “viable” (mutually exclusive) choices, voters must shoehorn themselves into one party’s vision, which makes it harder to register their ambivalences, and nuance the inclusive truth(s) that may reconcile their divisive differences. Jesus never fell into the binary trap, and always answered the dualistic thinking of both politicians (Caesar) and priests (Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes) in a manner that was above them all, speaking a higher truth. Seems that integral priesthood would do likewise today by encouraging folk to develop a middle-path (non-dualistic) perspective when called for, and thus avoid the trap of worldly (cosmos) thinking and perceiving. Such wisdom averts the same unregenerate flaw of the Caesars and religionists of old. The system needs an overhaul, and it seems the place of truth-talkers is to advocate for same, not choose sides.

  5. The sins and destructiveness of our long history of patriarchy and toxic masculinity continue in our societies and institutions with increasing devastation on humanity and our Mother Earth and all Her creatures and diminishing graceful blessings. We have to continue praying and compassionately Being~becoming the Divine Feminine Spirit of Love~Wisdom~Creativity~Truth~Peace~Justice~Compassion in our hearts, with one another, with-in sacred Mother Nature, within All our co-Creation~evolving multiverse Cosmos… Our evolving souls, even in this challenging earthly dimension, are a sacred part of our Sacred Loving Diverse Oneness and Beloved Cosmic Christ Consciousness….

  6. After the Supreme Court, what? I suspect more of the same, until enough people become thoroughly fed up with the sadism and cruelty of almost every single decision made in past decades. Why in the world would a religious ban on contraceptives and then abortion translate into a legal ban? It is all about power, especially against women. The overturning of Roe has loosed the wild dogs in certain areas, and people are being hurt. States that have placed a bounty on doctors and girls and women and anyone who helps them and encouraged tattle-taleling for profit are absolutely beyond the pale. Good people who are standing against these egregious laws are punished, as the state’s attorney in Florida who was fired because he said he would not prosecute under the abortion law. Things have already gone too far and may have to go even farther with much more personal suffering before enough people say Enough!.

  7. Jeanette Metler

    After this supreme court what? Stay focused on bearing forth and giving witness to that which is sacred… the light, truth and way of unconditional love, compassion and mercy! Practice daily walking the talk of this within one’s own relationships… with self, others, and the all and the everything of creation… reflecting, expressing and manifesting the beauty and goodness of this within your own souls journey. Let the testimony of your life… be this story… which daily, little by little effects and influences the larger story that we all are apart. This is no small task… as great things come into being… through these small details consciously enacted upon… one day at a time. Jesus exemplified this lived reality.

    1. Thank you, Jeanette Metler. Your very Yin, reflective/motherly words helped me to shift my attention to the daily practice of love step by step, to replace the spaces in my mind and body irritated by all that I observe. What the mind focuses upon, “matters/manifests/mothers” in our bodies and daily actions. For all my passions in what I observe. so too may the Christ Consciousness keep me on track through my spirit within to keep me daily practicing love and compassion to balance my mind and body rather than internalize all the messes out there that I see. Jesus said “Turn the other cheek” that I interpret to kinesthetically turn the head (the mind) (what we look at with our eyes) quickly away from that… which we do not wish to Matter/Manifest/Mother. ( Your reflective words Jeanette mirrored back to me that practice daily. Thank you, sister in Christ!!!

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