Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox
The Creation Spirituality Lineage Calling All Social and Environmental Activists, Mystic Explorers, Justice Makers, Cosmic Thinkers, Earth Keepers

MAGA vs. the Common Good: An Amazingly Synchronistic Moment
Our last two daily meditations have been devoted to Thomas Aquinas’s powerful and substantive teachings on the common good. He is given credit after all to bringing
Previous Meditations

Week of 1/6-11/2025: Compassion & Spiritual Warriorhood
January 6, 2024: Further Lessons from the Universe: Interdependence & CompassionWe explore certain “habits” of the universe that

Raging Fires in LA: Are Climate-Denying Politicians Criminals?
A few days ago I was in a conversation with a Lutheran pastor in Florida and he was

On Becoming a Spiritual Warrior in a Time of Apocalypse
A spiritual warrior takes care of his or her body and soul in order to be strong. And

Politics, Science, Spirituality and Spiritual Warriors
In yesterday’s DM, I made reference to the anniversaries of January 6 and November 5 as being demarcations

Cultural Transformation & The Need for Spiritual Warriors
Yesterday, January 6, was a stark anniversary of the precariousness of democracy. As was November 5. Our times call

Creativity & Compassion: More Lessons from the Cosmos
In Saturday’s DM, we meditated on the lessons of Extravagance, Generosity, Magnanimity and Expansion that the universe teaches us. And

Further Lessons from the Universe: Interdependence & Compassion
In Saturday’s DM, we meditated on the lessons of Extravagance, Generosity, Magnanimity and Expansion that the universe teaches

Week of 12/30/2024-1/4/2025: Holy Work, Jimmy Carter & Lessons from the Universe for the New Year
December 30, 2024: Holy Work: Critiquing Addictive Social Media, continuedWe continue to reflect on an article written by

Universe Lessons: Extravagance, Generosity & Expansion
In yesterday’s DM, I called for taking lessons from the universe itself to strengthen our souls for the

A Sense of the Whole and the Holy vs. a Rampaging Oligarchy
In yesterday’s DM, I asked the question whether the crashing down of so many elements of our “civilization”

A Wish for Humanity in the New Year 2025, continued
We are meditating on our most powerful wish for humanity in this upcoming year, 2025. I named mine in

My Number One Wish for Humanity on New Year, 2025
As I write this DM today on New Year’s Eve, I ask myself this question: If I could

Jimmy Carter: Model of Refirement as Holy Work
It seems very synchronistic that as we have been meditating on Holy Work exemplified in the work of

Holy Work: Critiquing Addictive Social Media, continued
In Saturday’s DM, we meditated on a recent article by Thom Hartmann whose work I admire, as I

Week of 12/23-28/2024: The Coming of the Light & Spiritual Warriors
December 23, 2024: Is there One Advent—or Several?The convergence of the winter solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa is

Social Media as Heroin? Thom Hartmann on Today’s Politics of Rage
Yesterday we meditated on the wonderful work of artist Lily Yeh to organize the oppressed from the bottom

Lily Yeh’s Fiery Heart and Willing Hands—and Ours
In this Christmas season, it is good to bring more alive the mystic—that is the lover—in all of

Christmas 2024: Jesus’ Prayer Sustaining Stern Warriors
The reading from the Book of Wisdom for Christmas Midnight Mass speaks of the arrival of Christ as

Christmas 2024: Our Birth as Immortal Diamonds & Original Blessings
We ended yesterday’s DM, that of Christmas Eve, with one of my favorite passages in all of Scripture,

Christmas Eve, 2024
We ended our meditation yesterday with a question about how a greater “sense of the preciousness of life”

Is there One Advent—or Several?
We have been meditating on the Dark Night of the Soul and Society and our Species because it

Week of 12/16-21/2024: Advent, the Dark Night, Celebrations of Light, and Patriarchy on Trial
December 16, 2024: Solstice, Hanukkah, Advent — Great Comings & Certain TensionsAdvent means “Coming,” a time of waiting

Mechtild of Magdeburg on the Dark Night
Yesterday we interrupted our meditations on the Dark Night to meditate on the news from Avignon, and aboriginal

Avignon, Aboriginals, Washington DC: Patriarchy on Trial
Today, December 19, was not a good day for Patriarchy. It is the day 51 men in Avignon,

Susan Griffin, Eckhart, Gandhi: Lessons from The Dark Night
Susan Griffin says that “Nothingness spreads around us. But in this nothing we find what we did not know

How the Dark Night of Society & Earth Meets Advent
In yesterday’s DM, we meditated on Rilke’s powerful poem about the darkness, the via negativa, that is integral

Having Faith in Nights—Even Dark Nights
This season of the return of Light (solstice) and the miracle of Light (Hanukkah) and the announcement of angels

Solstice, Hanukkah, Advent—Great Comings & Certain Tensions
The word Advent means Coming. Advent is a time of waiting for a great Coming. Even before Christians

Week of 12/9-14/2024: Notre Dame, Mother Mary & Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 9, 2024: Notre Dame Rising from the Ashes, Part IIWe continue to explore the symbolism of the

The Magnificat: The Fierce Feminine in the Gospel of Luke
The other day I was sharing some thoughts about Advent and the solstice and Hannukah and Kwanzaa, thoughts