Lech Wałęsa Writes Trump about the “Horror” of His Attack on Zelenskyy
Lech Wałęsa, Nobel Peace Prize winner, first democratically elected president of Poland and called “hero of Poland’s democracy,” sent a scathing letter to the President
Lech Wałęsa, Nobel Peace Prize winner, first democratically elected president of Poland and called “hero of Poland’s democracy,” sent a scathing letter to the President
February 17, 2025: Alexei Navalny: More Courage, Sacrifice, Conscience, Spiritual WarriorhoodWe are all called to be both prophets and mystics. The mystic is the lover in
Speaking of our “spiritual warriorhood,” another example entered the news this week when the world’s “first openly gay Imam” was shot to death in South
In Saturday’s DM, entitled “Honoring the Courage of Those Who Sacrifice & Follow Conscience,” we remembered the heroism of Sister Dorothy Stang, US attorney Danielle
February 10: T.S. Eliot on the Mystics as Medicine for Despair “The mystics — or else despair,” said T.S. Eliot. The writings and actions of
Three days ago, we honored the 20th anniversary of Sister Dorothy Stang’s martyrdom among the peasant farmers living in the rainforest, and committed to defending
We are considering the role of the mystic in a time of unraveling of order and therefore a time of despair. And how the mystic lays
January 27, 2025: Deep Ecumenism, Spiritual Warriorhood & Humankind’s FutureIf one wants to lead a spiritual life, courage is required. Chief Arvol Looking Horse, keeper
In yesterday’s DM, I made reference to the anniversaries of January 6 and November 5 as being demarcations for our time of political apocalypse and
In yesterday’s DM, I asked the question whether the crashing down of so many elements of our “civilization” might suggest we ought to start over
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