Grace & the Reinvention of Work, continued
One example of the power of human grace reinventing one’s work emerged recently in Iran when a 70-year-old operator of a fish market stall started
One example of the power of human grace reinventing one’s work emerged recently in Iran when a 70-year-old operator of a fish market stall started
In yesterday’s DM we asked the questions: Is there evidence that God truly visits the Earth? and Do you sense that the essence, powers and activity
Yesterday, on Christmas, we cited Peter’s epistle and Clement of Alexandria and Saint Irenaeus, a second century Celtic bishop in Lyons, France, about God becoming
December 11, 2023: A Thank You to Norman Lear, a Bearer of LightHumans are called to be bearers of Light. Norman Lear, well-respected television writer
The WPA, created by FDR during the bleakest days of the Great Depression—when over 20 million Americans were unemployed—accomplished a lot. It put 8.5 million
The God of creation is also the God of history and of liberation/salvation as is clear from the prophets. Indeed, the prophets who preach justice and
To rediscover life means not to take it for granted. Not the Earth. Not our relations with all other creatures with whom we are utterly interdependent
More good news about humanity’s capacity for compassion, and therefore nobility, comes from the city of St. Louis. In an article entitled “St. Lous Looks to
Living in a time of war and wars, it behooves us to get a bigger perspective. An awareness of history helps with that, as does an
Yesterday’s DM ended this way: Where are our “defense departments” when we need them? Can’t the climate crisis awaken all humans everywhere to address the common foe:
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