Creativity, Nobility, Healing with Jennifer Hereth, continued
Yesterday we meditated with Jennifer Hereth and her excellent, enabling and ennobling work of art as healing. Her deck of cards called The Teenage Archetype
Yesterday we meditated with Jennifer Hereth and her excellent, enabling and ennobling work of art as healing. Her deck of cards called The Teenage Archetype
We have been meditating on the nobility of the human person that is announced in the Scriptures and developed by many mystics over the ages.
Meister Eckhart insists on the nobility of the human being revealed—and released—in our creativity. Deep within each of us lies the Godself, the Christ, the
We have been meditating on the appearance of four policemen before congress who testified to the nation about the horrors they and 140 other policemen
Howard Thurman is strong on the Via Creativa. His powerful book, Deep River and The Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death, unveils the empowerment
Having grounded ourselves in the solid spiritual awareness of Meister Eckhart on the topic of a just economics, we are now turning to twenty-first century
We can choose to refuse to give birth from our throat or birth canal. We can refuse our prophetic vocation. The throat and the fifth
We are meditating on how the Via Creativa and the Via Transformativa meld together. In a previous meditation, we invoked Pope Francis’ encyclical about the
In yesterday’s Meditation we celebrated Thomas Aquinas’ pre-modern understanding of art as pertaining to all our work and professions and emphasized what a breakthrough such
As part of the Via Creativa that leads to the Via Transformativa we are addressing the important question: Who is an artist? Yesterday we meditated
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