Today is Mother’s Day, 2019.  We who work at bringing the Creation Spirituality lineage alive again are offering you a special gift: This Daily Meditation is the first of subsequent ones that we look forward to sharing with you.  We hope they will support you in your work for healing the world. Some of them will come from my past writings and some will come from interacting with current events. They are free of charge and we urge you to share them freely.  Spread the word!

We pledge to keep these meditations succinct—about 350 words per entry– since you are busy people, busy we hope with both the inner work and outer work that our demanding times are asking of us.  We will include practices to assist you along the way.

It is significant and fitting that we are launching these Daily Meditations from the Creation Spirituality lineage on Mother’s Day.  While we are celebrating our mothers and grandmothers today we also see in this holiday a powerful call to move beyond the anthropocentric limits of mother’s day to the larger vision, that of Mother Earth or Gaia, who is our Mother because she nurtures and nourishes all plants, animals and humans so abundantly.  She is being sorely abused in our time with untold extinction of species, global warming, poisoning of air and water, forests and soil.  Just this week a new UN Report describes how a catastrophic environmental crisis is destroying ecosystems more rapidly than earlier thought.  One million species are on the verge of extinction.*

Earth is in crisis, as was pointed out to me in a dream 30 years ago that became the springboard for my book The Coming of the Cosmic Christ.  The dream said to me: “Your mother is dying.”  But my (literal) mother was not dying, in fact she lived another twenty years or so.  So I realized the message I was being given was about the dying of the archetypal Mother and I began the book with an exegesis of that dream, proposing 8 dimensions of matricide that are afoot in our time: First, “Mother Earth is dying;” then, the “mystical brain,”; Creativity; Wisdom; the Youth; Native Peoples, their religions and cultures; Mother Church; Mother Love or Compassion were all dying.  

MUDMAID – Lost Gardens of Heligan” by Pete and Sue Hill

But the last word was that “Mother is dying, but not dead”–we could still recover the Sacred Feminine and resurrect the archetype of the Mother. The rest of the book was about resurrecting mysticism and the archetype of the Cosmic Christ (or Buddha Nature or Image of God) and thus heal the dying Mother principle.

Not only the indigenous traditions celebrate “Mother Earth” but 12th century abbess, saint and doctor of the church, Hildegard of Bingen, did the same.  She wrote: “The earth is at the same time mother, she is mother of all that is natural, mother of all that is human.  She is the mother of all, for contained in her are the seeds of all.”

Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day, everyone!  Let us get to work out of a passion for Mother Earth and her wonderful accomplishments, humans included.

Lectio Divina Practice

Lectio Divina, or “Divine Reading,” is the ancient practice of meditatively and prayerfully reading the words of Scripture or other sacred texts, asking Spirit what your proper response might be to the truths they lay bare.

In this spirit, take a phrase or word from this meditation and be still with it, letting it wash over you and through and through you.  Repeat it as a mantra.  Be with the silence that follows.  Be with, be with…. 

Recommended Further Reading

In what may be considered the most comprehensive outline of the Christian paradigm shift of our Age, Matthew Fox eloquently foreshadows the manner in which the spirit of Christ resurrects in terms of the return to an earth-based mysticism, the expression of creativity, mystical sexuality, the respect due the young, the rebirth of effective forms of worship—all of these mirroring the ongoing blessings of Mother Earth and the recovery of Eros, the feminine aspect of the Divine.

Hildegard of Bingen, A Saint for Our Times: Unleashing Her Power in the 21st Century

Author Matthew Fox writes in Hildegard of Bingen about this amazing woman and what we can learn from her.
In an era when women were marginalized, Hildegard was an outspoken, controversial figure. Yet so visionary was her insight that she was sought out by kings, popes, abbots, and bishops for advice.

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6 thoughts on “Mother’s Day, 2019”

  1. Anthony Vieyra

    I read this and thank you for starting this ! I do not see where the meditation starts or where it ends. Please highlight, make bold, or separate the meditation from the introduction. I hope this makes sense.

    Thank you and Happy Mothers Day.

  2. Beautiful idea and thankyou for your generous offer. This week playing with the letters that make the word ‘compassion’ I discovered two words emerge ‘Cosmic Pain’

  3. I hope art will be featured as a powerful means of awakening and transformation. There is an amazing painting by the artist Josephine Wall called “The Sadness of Gaia” that was made into a beautiful jigsaw puzzle.!

  4. Carol Kilby

    Thank you, Matt.
    Here at Gaia Farmhouse, 3 hours north of Toronto, Paul and I read your meditation and listened to your spoken reflections with gratitude for the deepening of our day. Sharing where the meditation took us, Paul, struck by the lack of reverence and Mother Love /Compassion in society and our species, was moved to tears. I was struck by the words, ‘get to work’. So, remembering the expanded archetype of the Mother, I will do an evolutionary exegesis of Pentecost, hearing the voices of the 1 million species threatened with extinction. I will remember the future, claiming my divinity, the power of my inner work to manifest, pray, and intend a future Gaia that is healing, not dying, nurturing, not sacrificing her Earth family. So now I must close and get back to “work.” Perhaps you will turn to the page on resilience or the one on regeneration in my meditation book, Cosmic Beatitudes- A Code of Being For This Evolutionary Moment, and receive from Gaia Farmhouse strength for your journey. warmly, Carol Kilby and Paul Irwin

  5. Thank you Matt…

    …this is a good idea. In the Anthropocene we need all of the encouragement and supportive community we can get. As John Walsh once said “Time is short and the water rises” and the ice melts, and the fires burn.

    Tom Baugh

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