Additional Actions to Take
in Response to the
Amazon Forest Crisis

The Via Negativa instructs us to let go and let be.  Thus we learn how to move from no-action to action but an action born from a deep place, from the Source, from our Source, from love and gratitude (the Via Positiva), an action born therefore from non-action.  From nothingness. (the Via Negativa)  What other actions might we take?

“Sunrise Meditation.” Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
  • Deepen your own love of the Earth and her creatures by immersing yourself in the Via Positiva of existence, which for us humans is an earthly existence— and then listen to what she is telling you/us to do.  Says Hildegard: “Holy persons draw to themselves all that is earthly.”
  • Listen to the young. They are feeling most directly the unvarnished truth of our times. This is why they have come up with the Climate Strike idea set for Sept 20 and much else. Elders and youth must work together toward an common intergenerational vision and action.
“Resistance.” Image by Mary Bettini Blank from Pixabay
  • Support the young.  Elders and youth are meant to be companions on the journey.
  • Consider starting a “pod” of the Order of the Sacred Earth (OSE) or joining one. 

About the OSE, David Korten writes:

“I promise to be the best lover and defender of Mother Earth that I can be.” Might this sacred pledge required of those who join the Order of the Sacred Earth save humanity and our Earth Mother? It is surely worth a try.

Individually, we are powerless against the forces of death wrought by human greed and violence in humanity’s ultimately self-destructive war against life. Only by acting together as lovers and defenders of our Earth mother will life prevail.

If you are drawn to this book, you likely know that our human relationship to Earth is in urgent need of serious healing. Eco-anxiety—a chronic fear of environmental doom—is surfacing as a reality-based, pervasive psychological malady.

I now commonly encounter people asking the ultimate question: Has the relationship between Earth and humans already passed beyond the point of no return?

Given rapidly growing climate instability, species extinction, and depletion of soils, fresh water, forests, and fisheries, there is good reason to believe it has. If we accept that conclusion, however, we turn our fear into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more responsible choice is to act with urgency, wisdom, courage, and love as mystic warriors in the cause of life and living Earth.”*

* David Korten, “Foreward,” in Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Jen Listug, The Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action, vii.

See Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Jen Listug, The Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action

Banner Image: “The Fierce Urgency of Now” Photo by Dimitri Bång on Unsplash

For Deeper Contemplation

Meditate again on the Via Positiva: Let it feed your concern and gratitude but also your courage to act.

Ask Mother Earth: What are you asking us to do, me to do?

Recommended Reading

By Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, and Jen Listug
“The Order of the Sacred Earth not only calls us home to our true nature as Earth, but also offers us invaluable guidance and company on the way.” 
~~ Joanna Macy, environmental activist and author of Active Hope
“The creation of the Order of the Sacred Earth is a magnificent step forward for humanity.”  ~~ Andrew Harvey, author of Way of Passion and The Hope.

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4 thoughts on “Additional Actions to Take<br> in Response to the <br>Amazon Forest Crisis”

  1. Thanks so much for addressing current issues from the perspective of the Via Positiva and Via Negativa. It helps to seek perspective and to never give up hope for this planet and all its beautiful people.

    1. Gail Ransom

      Dear Larry,
      Thank you so much for commenting on the meditation Additional Actions to take in Response to the Amazon Forest Crisis. People from around the world are coming together to respond to this. In it we can see that we are all co-existent. Even though the Amazon is in Brazil, it is the lungs for the entire planet, and its fate affects us all. May this crisis be a catalyst for cooperation!
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

    1. Gail Ransom

      Dear Joani,
      There might well be a CS group in Tacoma WA. Creation Spirituality small groups and communities are forming all over the continent. The organization that coordinates these groups is Creation Spirituality Communities. If you are willing, I can send your name to them to make a connection. Or, you can check out the organization at
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

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