Yesterday, Columbus Day or better, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we invoked fifteenth century mystic and scientist Nicolas of Cusa for his vision that one day humans would find harmony. As he put it,
…the Creator is moved with compassion towards humanity and will try to guide all the variety of religions to one greater unimpeachable harmony in which all opinion is one.
Perhaps “all opinion is becoming one” around the issue of our common survival as the last remaining hominids on the planet as we wrestle with climate change and all its dangers and implications, the drying of the planet and the wetting of the planet, seas rising and extinctions multiplying.
Maybe we are finally headed the way Cusa envisioned because now, facing our common extinction as a species, we–the last hominid species still standing–may finally wise up. Perhaps it is not too late.
The coming COP26 Conference on climate change being held in Glasgow, Scotland the first week of November is such a moment.
People of all faith traditions and none all face high stakes in whether we get over arming one another for war based on ideologies (and behind them, often religious doctrines and other idols) and get down to the prime moral issue of our time: Preventing the Earth and the beings of Earth from suffering the ravages of climate change.
Might our common emergency accomplish what Cusa dreamt of, a “greater unimpeachable harmony” among peoples? And species?
One can pray; and act; and run for office; and support others who do; and bring our values to our work worlds and commit to harmony in mind and in practice and in calling for the sacrifices needed by nations and individuals.
Adapted from Matthew Fox, Christian Mystics: 365 Readings and Meditations, p. 160.
See also, Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, pp. 1-9, 125-127.
To read the transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.
Banner Image: “Bahamas – Whispers of Hope – Tribute honoring the victims of Hurricane Dorian in Bahamas Islands, 2019. More than mourning the dead and comforting the survivors, we need to hold governments and rulers for the policy of inaction and environmental destruction that the world has been witnessing … but more importantly, we must all demand measures to save the future of Earth.” Image by Daniel Arrhakis on Flickr.
Queries for Contemplation
Do you find hope in an “impeachable harmony” that is at least partially producing an “all opinion is one” reality because of Climate Change? Is climate change a common enemy to believers and non-believers alike that we can together gather our energies and treasures to combat, leaving our differences aside?
Recommended Reading
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ: The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance
In what may be considered the most comprehensive outline of the Christian paradigm shift of our Age, Matthew Fox eloquently foreshadows the manner in which the spirit of Christ resurrects in terms of the return to an earth-based mysticism, the expression of creativity, mystical sexuality, the respect due the young, the rebirth of effective forms of worship—all of these mirroring the ongoing blessings of Mother Earth and the recovery of Eros, the feminine aspect of the Divine.
“The eighth wonder of the world…convincing proof that our Western religious tradition does indeed have the depth of imagination to reinvent its faith.” — Brian Swimme, author of The Universe Story and Journey of the Universe.
“This book is a classic.” Thomas Berry, author of The Great Work and The Dream of the Earth.
6 thoughts on “Cusa, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and Facing Our Extinction as a Species”
Mankind separated the sciences, the religions and politics…. and now mankind is trying to bring them together. Science and religion coming together appears to be easier, for the teachings and wisdom within both tend to support one another. However, with politics it appears that it’s much more difficult to find common ground, which can unify; and that is because politics is mostly concerned with profits, power and status.
For example, I recently learnt with regards to long-term care and retirement homes that the Canadian Government has used our Canadian Pension Plan contributions to financially invest in privately owned long-term care and retirement homes, with a profitability of billions of dollars per year, none of which has been invested in addressing any of the person centered issues we a currently dealing with regarding these institutions. Also, these investments are hidden in such a way globally, as to avoid paying taxes with regards to its profits. This realization of what’s really happening I found to be a contradiction and a conflict of interest regarding any possibility of making the necessary reforms and changes within long-term care and retirement homes.
This story is shared to make my point, that being that in order for science, religion and politics to come together it must deal with these contradictions and conflicts of interest within each institution itself, in order for each one to rediscover the common ground that can potentially bind them together.
Will the threat of our very existence and the planet itself be enough, remains to be seen.
Jeanette, You write, “Mankind separated the sciences, the religions and politics…. and now mankind is trying to bring them together. Science and religion coming together appears to be easier, for the teachings and wisdom within both tend to support one another. However, with politics it appears that it’s much more difficult to find common ground, which can unify; and that is because politics is mostly concerned with profits, power and status.” Mankind does separate these things, but Creation Spirituality, and specifically Matthew puts them back together, as they should be…
Brilliant, Matthew. As always, your perspective leads to a deeper level. I particularly appreciate your three line summary listing ways of involvement. I have reached 86 years of age but still want and need to be involved. Thanks, and glad that the link to your message has been restored….
Well Margaret, God bless your 86 years–and still willing to do what you can!
Thank you, as always, for your prophetic voice. The attacks on truth here in Florida are well known, and there will be further attacks on education as in the states you mentioned. The greatest enemies of the truth, I think, are apathy and the drive toward power that feeds on people’s apathy and fear. I like your suggestions, and we just cannot give in or give up.
Sue, I too agree with your thanks for Matthew’s prophetic voice. When he compares what Germans went through after WWII, and how they had to deal with what happened–it wasn’t pretty–but Matthew tells us that they even dealt with it in their school systems. We too, have to collectively repent of being part of a nation that has committed genocide on the native peoples here, and enslaved Africans from over there…