More on How Space Births Mystics—and Prophets

We have been meditating on the transformational experience of seeing our planet from the vantage point of space. Following is a testimony from another Russian cosmonaut on returning to Earth. 

Diagram of Earth’s atmosphere. Layers are drawn to precise scale. Objects within them, such as the weather balloon, are not. Diagram by Kelvinsong on Wikimedia Commons.

Vladimir Shatalov tells us: 

The ‘boundless’ blue sky, the ocean which gives us breath and protects us from the endless black and death, is but an infinitesimally thin film.  How dangerous it is to threaten even the smallest part of this gossamer covering, this conserver of life.

What a lesson to be learned from leaving Earth.  Earth’s frailty and humanity’s role in conserving life, not endangering it.  These words were uttered over four decades ago.  Are we any wiser today? Have we changed our ways yet?

Shatalov was both mystic and prophet.  He turned his love and care of the Earth to asking questions about morality, about our behavior and choices.  Our values.  Our—and Gaia’s–future.

German astronaut Ulf Merbold offers this observation.  

For the first time in my life I saw the horizon as a curved line.  It was accentuated by a thin seam of dark blue light–our atmosphere.  Obviously this was not the ocean of air I had been told it was so many times in my life.  I was terrified by its fragile appearance.

Retired NASA astronauts Nicole Stott and Mike Massimino describe their profound feelings on first seeing Earth from space. This is called the overview effect — a shift in awareness in which the astronaut is awed by the view of Earth. Video by Brut America

Do we all have to become astronauts or cosmonauts to become mystics?  I hope not!  And let me say, I know that is not the case.  Becoming mystics—i.e. lovers of existence, of the universe, of creation, of the earth, of one another—is what healthy religion was all about. 

The fact that most universities and even seminaries do not teach mysticism today is a judgment on the corruption of modern academia and education.  One is left on one’s own to find your way in the world of spirituality. 

All the great spiritual teachers of the world were mystics.  As Carl Jung observed, “only the mystics bring what is creative to religion itself.”  From mysticism is born the prophet—“the prophet is the mystic in action,” says William Hocking.

Another warning to cherish what we love and to work for it, fight for it.

Adapted from Matthew Fox, Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Transforming Evil in Soul and Society, p. 67.

To read the transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.

Banner Image: The thin line of Earth’s atmosphere and the setting sun are featured in this image photographed by the crew of the International Space Station while space shuttle Atlantis on the STS-129 mission was docked with the station. Photo by NASA; Wikimedia Commons.

Queries for Contemplation

How ironic is it that cosmonauts and astronauts can agree on the sacredness of earth but nations from which they come seem at loggerheads about what is good and evil? And are often silent about the Sacred? 

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17 thoughts on “More on How Space Births Mystics—and Prophets”

  1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
    Richard Reich-Kuykendall

    Matthew, We have been meditating on the transformational experience of seeing our planet from the vantage point of space, and you have shared with us, over the last couple of days, testimonies of cosmonauts and astronauts. And each of the testimonies you have shared, sounded like mystical experiences. You say, “Becoming mystics—i.e. lovers of existence, of the universe, of creation, of the earth, of one another—is what healthy religion was all about.” Then you tell us that, “From mysticism is born the prophet—’the prophet is the mystic in action,’ says William Hocking.”
    For your Queries for Contemplation you ask: “How ironic is it that cosmonauts and astronauts can agree on the sacredness of earth, but nations from which they come seem at loggerheads about what is good and evil?
    And are often silent about the Sacred?” And in Russia, they are more often to be silent about the Sacred!

  2. Matthew points out: And of course, these words reported from astronauts and cosmonauts are
    several decades old. And things have become much more fragile since they spoke.
    And I see that the anti nuclear weapons initiatives by so many activist individuals and organizations across the globe are also several decades old, and yes, things have become much more fragile since they spoke. It is like we are living in an entropic i.e., ‘closed’ system where everything degrades downward to heat death. When will all the souls on this magnificent planet open our hearts and souls and rise up together across every personal, political and national divide to engage the ‘noosphere’ in a collective dance of awe??? Russia has also had, and still has, its artistic, musical and prophetic mystics…

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall

      Gwen, You write: “When will all the souls on this magnificent planet open our hearts and souls and rise up together across every personal, political and national divide to engage the ‘noosphere’ in a collective dance of awe???” That too is my question. So which will prevail? The good or the evil ??? Many Christians just see this as a sign of the times, for Jesus said there would be “wars and rumors of wars” until he returned and so many Christians are of the mind that there is nothing they can really do to stop “the end” from happening. But there are other Christians who hold other views such as the idea that that regardless of what is happening we are to continue to work on behalf of peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers”–and the “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30 shows what will come of those who were not good stewards–and in this case of the earth.

      1. I agree Richard. Although we can’t answer your question about what will prevail, good or evil, we must continue our work for peace no matter what is happening. There are so many examples of people doing just that, often at the cost of their own lives, both in the past and now in the present war. I wonder if this is our last chance to make the current war the war that will ultimately end all wars….

  3. Indeed a most worthy goal in this life is to become mystic and prophet, a vessel for the Word of Divine LOVE (God). Yes, even lay cosmologist/ecologist (ecotheologist). }:- a.m.

  4. In July 2021, two of the richest men on Earth, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, entered near space. Although not high enough to see the thin blue line of our atmosphere that the astronauts and cosmonauts have seen, we can only hope that the sacredness of these experiences have penetrated the consciousness of these men, and that this was more than a personal joyride. If we need the sacred to deeply penetrate any human institution, it is in the economic arena. Thank you, Matthew, for these daily thoughtful experiences.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall

      Cecilia, You write: ” If we need the sacred to deeply penetrate any human institution, it is in the economic arena.” Amen to that, and really it is money that is behind much of what has been going on for millennia for there are many who LOVE money, and St. Paul write that “the love of money is the root of all evil.”

    2. If you saw the Netflix satire, “Don’t Look Up”, you may have had the same chilling sense that I did that these men are preparing their escape route. It would be nice to think that they could be transformed and spend send of their wealth to care for our spaceship, planet earth.

      1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
        Richard Reich-Kuykendall

        Sue, You say, ” It would be nice to think that they (Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos) could be transformed and spend send of their wealth to care for our spaceship, planet earth.” AMEN to that !!!

      2. I find it impossible to understand the seemingly soul-less mentality of the mega rich who are hesitant to give their workers…today’s ‘serfs’…a bountiful salary and workplace protections. Meanwhile the wealthy have to hire financial gurus at a high salary to manage their abounding wealth data all the while missing a ‘golden’ opportunity to experience the full joy of giving. Perhaps they missed the lesson of history: the opportunity to participate in a post pandemic Renaissance on Earth much like the one that took place after the Bubonic plague in Europe, something that Matthew pointed out many months ago.

  5. On my ongoing spiritual journey, I’m glad I’ve been blessed with an appreciation, awareness, and inspiration by the writings of the lives and experiences of the mystics throughout human history from various cultures, especially the indigenous. The mystic within all of us is to have faith and openness to God’s Loving~Wisdom~Creative Spirit and Presence with-in all of us, especially in our daily loving natural human lives with one another and nature, ongoing co-Creators towards deepening personal and social transformation in Sacred Loving Oneness….

  6. One objection to the Astronauts’ video. The Earth is not our spaceship. It is a living breathing being that nurtures us as manifestations of its life. We must not become the infection that kills our mother.

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall

      Dana, Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right. The Earth is: “a living breathing being that nurtures us as manifestations of its life. We must not become the infection that kills our mother,” however I don’t think that negates Sue Safford’s use of the metaphor of “spaceship earth” for we are all living on a living being that moves us through our cosmos…

  7. I also read “War and Peace”, a few times actually, and was moved by its mysticism. Tolstoy was a mystic, along with so many Russians. It is grievous that the Orthodox Church in Russia, which birthed many mystics, now supports the new tsardom–although it has done so over the centuries, just like our Western churches. So many opportunities lost by organized religion–

    1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
      Richard Reich-Kuykendall

      Sue, You write: “It is grievous that the Orthodox Church in Russia, which birthed many mystics, now supports the new tsardom”–so many important Russian writers such as: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy (whom both you and Matthew mention), and Ivan Turgenev. And that is not to mention the Russian artists, musicians, and ballet dancers…

      1. Thank you Richard. When I was in Russia in the 1990s I met Russian artists selling their art in the street to tourists. I bought several pieces including two by an artist, one showing a healthy Russia in touch with its soul/heart and the cosmos and the counterpart which depicts Russia digging its own grave seemingly as a consequence of corruption. Since I couldn’t speak Russian I wasn’t able to have a meaningful conversation with the young male artist. And then there is Chagall, the mystic artist. Have you seen his painting ‘White Crucifixion’?

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