September 19-24: Exploring Gandhi, Korten, and Moving from Empire to Earth Community

Each Sunday, we are offering a brief summary of the meditations from the previous week, as a kind of “index” inviting you to return to a previous meditation which may call to you.

September 19, 2022 Gandhi on the Internal Forces that Can Destroy a Society In this meditation, we offer insights into the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi on the “internal forces” which can destroy our human societies.

“Mahatma Gandhi Memorial, Washington DC” by AlbinoFlea is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

September 20, 2022 Gandhi’s Wisdom on Social Cohesion, continued Matthew Fox continues exploring the wisdom of Gandhi and how it impacts our understandings of social order and human society.

September 21, 2022 Gandhi’s Wisdom on Sins that Rupture Social Cohesion, continued In this meditation, we discuss insights from Gandhi on the “sins” that disturb social cohesion and human order.

Book cover for David Korten’s latest book. For more info click here.

September 22, 2022 Gandhi, Character Building, Truth-Telling, continued In this meditation, we discuss the importance of character building and the power of truth telling as inspired by the wisdom and witness of Gandhi.

September 23, 2022 From Empire Consciousness to Earth Consciousness Matthew Fox begins exploring the work of David Korten and his insights on moving from a consciousness of empire to an earth-centered consciousness.

September 24, 2022 Korten on Moving from Empire and Patriarchy to Earth Community In this meditation, we continue exploring the shift from empire consciousness to earth community with intentional exploration of patriarchy’s role in that move.

Banner Image: Close up of a life-like statue of Mahatma Gandhi, Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India [Photo: August 2021] Photo by Brijender Dua on Unsplash

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4 thoughts on “September 19-24: Exploring Gandhi, Korten, and Moving from Empire to Earth Community”

  1. Richard Reich-Kuykendall
    Richard Reich-Kuykendall

    Rather than comment again on something that I have already commented on this week, I thought I would focus on the Daily Meditation for September 24, 2022 where we looked at David Korten’s book, THE GREAT TURNING on Moving from Empire and Patriarchy to Earth Community. Here, we continued exploring the shift from empire consciousness to earth community with intentional exploration of patriarchy’s role in that move. This shift is my hope and dream too, however in some sense we are at the mercy of Putin and as we have seen in previous meditations, a Supreme Court that isn’t chosen “by the people, and for the people’–and so we are at the mercy of a President in selecting jury members who will hold the fate of millions in their hands. My experience with the Catholic Church is it is patriarchal to the hilt. And so they have to over compensate for their treatment of women by having a “great women in heaven” who is totally sinless and virginally pure. And patriarchy is in our own country as well–remember Hillary ???

  2. “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not for every man’s greed.” Scarcity only exists if human wants and needs are, in fact, unlimited.” Mahatma Gandhi. Buddhist say “the cause of suffering is Tanya (selfish craving) Both recognized darkness within our belief systems. Gandhi read about Jesus adding Him to teachings within his own path as a Hindu. He went to a British Christian church and was ostracised. “If it weren’t for Christians, I’d be a Christian.” The same kind of experience affected him deeply in South Africa where he was rejected as a person of color, became angry and contemplated this experience also among South Africans of color. As he was intensely angry about this, his own contemplation led to his replacing his anger with compassion and non-violent actions. His own lucidity and wisdom came out of the darkness that he embraced with compassion first within himself that also radiated outwardly towards other human beings to everyone, even those who were not open to change. He said “You must be the change you wish to see in the World” He recognized all segregation/separation that unbridled belief systems create were harming everyone, the Earth, all one and the same destructive darkness, that the Buddhist call Avidya (spiritual ignorance). Jesus (Yeshua) taught Infinite Forgiveness 70 X 7. We begin by forgiving the sins within ourselves as we witness the same in others and what we see in our world, Now.

  3. Thank you for the review and summary of this past week of the profound and presently relevant spiritual meditations about our Era of Reckoning that we’re experiencing daily with the climate/environmental crises, and the ongoing and imminent collapse of our world destructive patriarchal industrial ‘civilization.’ As I’ve mentioned before, we have to maintain our faith, prayers, and actions daily within and in our small communities with one another and Sacred Mother Nature….

  4. The internal forces that can destroy a society seem alive and well and growing. As he did, and as we all must do, we need to see to our own destructive internal forces. I wish more government leaders and politicians would see and address the domestic terrorism, whether overtly violent like the KKK and Proud Boys, e.g., or more subtly destroying human rights state by state. There is no “enemy”–including Putin and other established tyrants–more dangerous than the enemy within.

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