As part of our book on the OSE, we posed this question to a number of persons we respected: “What might a new, inclusive, spiritual Order contribute to our world?” Following is part of cosmologist Brian Swimme’s response to the question.
The archetypal story concerning this dimension of the universe begins with the hydrogen atom. In the previous era of humanity—by which I mean the modern industrial era, which is presently in its death stage—scientists were convinced they understood the hydrogen atom in all its details, and thought of it as indestructible and inert. Then they discovered something that took them by surprise. They learned that in the center of stars, hydrogen atoms are transformed into carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the elements that make up our bodies and the bodies of every living being.
Here’s the feature of this discovery that relates to OSE and that I ask that you think about. An individual hydrogen atom can NOT transform itself into carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous. An individual hydrogen atom will persist as it is without change for billions of years. At the most, it might disintegrate into an electron and a proton. It will never create anything new by itself. But the amazing fact is that if a hydrogen atom finds itself in the intense and interacting community called a star, it discovers that it has the power to participate in crucial ways in its transformation into the elements that give birth to life. In the community called a star, an individual atom becomes the gateway into the next era of the universe’s story.
This process whereby the universe constructs communities that ignite the creativity of its members has been at work for 14 billion years and at every level of complexity. It now operates in the human world. It will, I predict, be operating with a new intensity within the Order of the Sacred Earth.
Creative and sensitive humans alive today yearn to make a difference in the world. They can feel the creativity that surges within them. They know they have an important gift to bequeath. What they need is a way of activating these creative powers. That is what OSE is.
Adapted from Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Jennifer Listug, Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action, pp. 116f.
To read a transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.
Banner Image: Children playing outside. Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash.
Queries for Contemplation
How do you respond to Swimme’s teaching of the role of community in how the universe works and creates? What does it tell us about human possibilities?
Recommended Reading
Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action
By Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, and Jen Listug
In the midst of global fire, earthquake and flood – as species are going extinct every day and national and global economies totter – the planet doesn’t need another church or religion. What it needs is a new Order, grounded in the Wisdom traditions of both East and West, including science and indigenous. An Order of the Sacred Earth united in one sacred vow: “I promise to be the best lover and defender of the Earth that I can be.”
Co-authored by Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, and Jennifer Berit Listug, with a forward by David Korten, this collection of essays by 21 spiritual visionaries including Brian Swimme, Mirabai Starr, Theodore Richards, and Kristal Parks marks the founding of the diverse and inclusive Order of the Sacred Earth, a community now evolving around the world.
“The Order of the Sacred Earth not only calls us home to our true nature as Earth, but also offers us invaluable guidance and company on the way.” ~~ Joanna Macy, environmental activist and author of Active Hope.
13 thoughts on “Cosmologist Brian Swimme on the Order of the Sacred Earth”
As I read this today, I feel encouraged once more that we can, little be little, one by one, keep this vision alive within us and around us. Thank you .
Matthew, Today you share some thoughts on community from a scientific perspective, from cosmologist Brian Swimme. You summarize him saying, “An individual hydrogen atom can NOT transform itself into carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous. An individual hydrogen atom will persist as it is without change for billions of years… It will never create anything new by itself. But the amazing fact is that if a hydrogen atom finds itself in the intense and interacting community called a star, it discovers that it has the power to participate in crucial ways in its transformation into the elements that give birth to life.” You ask us today, “What does this tell us about human possibilities?” What it tells me is, being a part of a community in an active and nurturing way, you will grow in a number of valuable ways in your relationships and character. Thank God for the Order of the Sacred Earth !!! Where do we sign up ???
This vision, the. OSE , I realize in this morning‘s meditation, it’s really of a new world order! I didn’t see the largesse of it before. Now I see that the creation spirituality community as it comes to gather with the Deep Time network and so many other creative communities, is in fact part of the new order emerging. Thanks again and again Matt for your awakening work.
Together we can transform or we can destroy. The choice is with each of us each moment.
With energy and intention we can build relationships within community. We can be the spark. – the Hydrogen atom.
The Hindu story of Hanuman mirrors that of the hydrogen atom. Hanuman was just hanging around unaware of his superhuman capacities until a great need arose and his friends woke him up to the realization that he could answer the call to the need. I am not Hindu but was very taken by this story/myth for the same reason.
A simple gratitude for today’s message. I opened my OSE book to reread on pg 117, Brian’s thinking.
I am sensing the wisdom of communities rooted in mutual empowerment that maybe have been initiated by massive inchorence in the world on many levels. This is a critical time for transformation from inner depths of body, mind and spirit. Just a thought to share.
Author of The Universe is a Green Dragon—physicist, cosmologist, ecotheologian…
I wonder if a comparison could be made between the hydrogen atom remaining static without the community of activity in the star and an electron being both particle and wave depending upon how an observer sets up the split screen experiment. I often see particle/wave as the human person being both an individual [particle] and a member of a community [wave]. This registers in how individuals form community: pure ‘individualism’ ignores the need for investing in a vibrant community while healthy ‘liberalism’ honors the individual while working towards the creation of a viable community in which they and their offspring can thrive. Particle/Wave is the thin place where we are both/and. As I write this, I am wearing my “We are all Made of Stardust” T-Shirt (:
There are many unique seeds of small communities of the vision, values, and creative work of the Order of Sacred Earth within and among us around the world! May God’s Spirit of Love~Wisdom~Creativity~Peace~Justice~Healing~Beauty~Joy~Transformation~Rebirth… within each of us and together in community among Sacred Mother Nature thrive and renew All Life in God’s Flow of Loving Diverse Oneness….
Thank you for launching OSE. I suggest getting in touch with Dr. Chaitanya N. Hiremath, founder of SEALOEARTH: Many people, Many Species, One Earth, One Home, Celebrate It. He has designed a flag that illustrates this vision.
Hi Matt, Today’s message is so powerful! I enjoyed reading all of the
comments as well. Hanuman has been an important figure in my
own personal cosmology for this reason: a god has to depend on
the king of the animal kingdom to rescue the earth goddess from
those who would abuse her. At least, that is my take on the story.
Wow!! Sure sounds to me like a new religion; cobbled together from earlier spiritual paths n traditions.