This Mother’s Day marks the fourth anniversary of our Daily Meditations. I am told we have shared 1460 meditations with you since our launch on Mother’s Day 2019.
We greet all you mothers and grandmothers–a special day of gratitude for your many works of creativity and caring over the years. May the generosity and continued birthing and joy and wonder that goes with mothering bless you in return.
We consciously chose Mother’s Day to launch our Daily Meditations because we were then and still are today very concerned about our primary mother, Mother Earth, and how she is faring at the hands of our species today.
Global warming and extinction spasms are still advancing though maybe there is hope on the horizon–with the younger generation waking up to the earth realities of our time; with many scientists in many nations working overtime to find new ways of creating post-fossil fuel futures; with some politicians and journalists out of denial and speaking the truth; as well as louder voices from a number of churches and religions.

The human race is tottering but is not completely dead yet.
In yesterday’s video I spoke of how two themes of the meditation for the day excited me: The first was about the power of joy to alter history as it did with St. Francis. The second I did not have time to speak about in the video, but in the written meditation named the potential of a new view of nature to launch a renaissance, a new view of the world “based on a spiritual initiative” as historian Pere Chenu talks of it.
Cosmogenesis, seeing the universe as a verb, as an on-going reality, holds such promise as a “spiritual initiative” that can awaken humankind. To birth a global renaissance is to re-birth economics, politics, religions, technology, art, education. Values that catch the hearts of a new generation can bring about a pouring out of spirit on young and old together. It is about our survival as a species after all.

It is a rebirth of joy and justice. Justice renders joy possible for all.
Julian of Norwich speaks to us about the Motherhood of God: “Compassion belongs to the motherhood in tender grace [and] protects, increases our sensitivity, gives life and heals…and keeps us in love.”
May we all, women and men alike, practice such motherhood daily: compassion, protection, sensitivity, giving life, healing and keeping us in love.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Adapted from Matthew Fox, Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic—and Beyond, p. 103.
To read a transcript of Matthew Fox’s video teaching, click HERE.
Banner image: “Mother and Child.” Photo by AJ.Mat on Flickr.
Queries for Contemplation
Do you think the crisis of Mother Earth and Global Warming today can assist in bringing about a Renaissance? How might that come about?
Recommended Reading

Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in a Time of Pandemic–and Beyond
Julian of Norwich lived through the dreadful bubonic plague that killed close to 50% of Europeans. Being an anchoress, she ‘sheltered in place’ and developed a deep wisdom that she shared in her book, Showings, which was the first book in English by a woman. A theologian way ahead of her time, Julian develops a feminist understanding of God as mother at the heart of nature’s goodness. Fox shares her teachings in this powerful and timely and inspiring book.
“What an utterly magnificent book. The work of Julian of Norwich, lovingly supported by the genius of Matthew Fox, is a roadmap into the heart of the eco-spiritual truth that all life breathes together.” –Caroline Myss
Now also available as an audiobook HERE.
16 thoughts on “Mother’s Day 2023”
At the end of Matthew’s meditation today, he said, “A burst of creative zeal. So, art carried the feelings and the message and the new views of the world that were awakening everybody. Can this happen? Is this happening today?” I thank Matthew for being our cheerleader in this regard. To me, these are words of hope, knowing there are people living on our earth who have that kind of hope and energy and are actively making change happen. I’m not certain that I, myself, am an agent of great change, but I do volunteer in my community, create art, and add my positive energy to like-minded people. We all do what we can do given our abilities and talents.
You have said it – we aren’t meant to be a COMMUNITY OF ONE – There is no such thing.
Matthew rallies us around and helps us to be a force to be noticed. Yes, he is the impetus, and
those who gather – assist in encouraging and spurring on his creativity.
What you and I do, in what seems like our little spaces and places, is what we are called to do and be.
I have a poster that says, “Grow Where You Are Planted!”
Trees are amazing beings. They provide fresh oxygen, protection from wind, sap for syrup, medicines, shade from scorching sun, comfort for a weary life traveler…; yet, they never walk away from where they are planted. They enrich communities with life where they stand.
Stand tall, Irene. We need you, and the many like you, and like me.
Renaissance of Mother
Spirit breathes upon the living waters within the womb of the Cosmic Mother, stirring rebirth, revival, renewal; marking these movements of transition as sacred. A time of great change is slowly beginning to unfurl the true nature of the Renaissance Mother and Her place in the world. Amidst the ruins, emerges a sacred transmission, the strong message of Her virtues, shifting the worldview; causing humanity to awaken to the Wisdom Ways.
A new consciousness is developing, a light dawning amongst the shadows and darkness within humanity; renewing the unifying desires of the Renaissance Mother’s beauty and the true nature of humanities relationship with Her essence. Convergence with Her living presence, causes humanity to question the ways in which we relate and engage with Her essence, Mother Earth, all of creation, each other and aspects of ourselves.
We stand at a threshold, a season of challenging authority and criticizing all that which corrupts being and living in right relationship with. The Spirit of the Renaissance Mother, desires greater freedom of expression, an intense mystical exchange of reimagining, of giving birth to all that which is apart of the beauty and blessings of our true origins; the conscious awakening of the Renaissance Mother archetype within. The veil of illusion is unravelling, a new mythos is being born; wrapped in the mantle of Her everlasting embrace.
Deep thanks for your awareness and the gift of your sharing.
Yes, Mother Earth and humanity seem to be going through a spiritually painful shift/death & rebirth… Several spiritually sensitive people and channelers seem to be giving us this message that humanity and earth are in an important period of spiritual transformation… As human individuals/souls we need to be open and take conscious responsibility for our part in this spiritual transformation because we know through quantum science and mystical spirituality that our microcosm and macrocosm are intimately related in our evolution as a species with our divine nature and as co-Creators within God’s Loving Evolution and Diverse Oneness in our Cosmogenesis….
Yes, Damian. You have said it.
It is a time for ALL of us to opening and deepening our awareness.
It is a time of showing up and supporting Mother Earth and all humanity
and all Creation as we travel through this difficult and empowering
and extremely exciting, amazing time.
Imagine! You and I were asked to be here NOW!
I hope a ground swell is happening. There is some basis for hope with the free flow of ideas on the internet anround the world among the young and young at heart. However there is blockade coming from boomer economic and political elites who are fearful and wedded to the status quo of America the military and economic superpower who has to control and dominate the world. But I love this concept of the mother and how she might relate to a renaissance. In America so many have not been care for and loved and are anxious and angry. Can we go from America the superpower to America who cares for its poor, its refugees, it’s trans, it’s workers? This would surely be a renaissance.
Yes, Ed.
You have certainly named the reality,
and the dream of a new renaissance.
America has been known to be a land
where dreams have the possibility to materialize.
Can we rekindle that Dream? Create something new?
Of course we can, start dreaming, visioning, encourage others
to join you. Let the “nay-saying” go and be full of JOY for our
future – that’s Matthew’s focused message of this past week.
Take a look at Saint Francis of Assisi’s life, as Matthew suggested.
Engage in some art that frees your soul and allows you to
gather with others in Joy-Filled energy.
It is simple – one at a time – each one embraces JOY and before
you know it; Voila! a Community of Joy! One here, One there. Start
small, join together. YES! we can! make a difference.
This Mother’s Day marks the fourth anniversary of our Daily Meditations. I am told we have shared 1460 meditations with you since our launch on Mother’s Day 2019–CONGRATULATIONS MATTHEW AND TEAM !!!
I second that! and thanks to you, Richard, for your contribution during those years.
I recommend this Divine Blessing of the Feminine by Mirabai Starr to help us internalize Mother Wisdom. I would love to imagine that a renaissance of love and creativity can happen.
Oh, Sue!
Yes. Go for it. Dont’ love to imagine. IMAGINE!!!
You are powerful. Encourage others to join in your IMAGINING!
Visualization, Imagination, are Soul powers. Use them.
That’s what Miribai Starr is doing. She is modeling her creative force
for good. Matthew, Miribai, are role models.
Go for it!
The Mother and the Father of earth and of humanity offer us compassion, empathy, mercy and forgiveness. These are the four cornerstones of our and the earth’s redemption – when we change our ways and place our trust in Thee. — BB.
Even RADICAL TRUST! may be what our time calls for.
These are lessons I continue to learn, in order to serve.
Blessings and thanks to Matthew and the team for all the dms which have been such an inspiration and source of wisdom and hope for so many.
And thank you, Barbara, for being here, participating in this Wisdom Sharing platform.
Invite others. Help Wisdom, Hope and JOY spread….