Dear DM Readers,
First, I want to thank those of you who were able to participate for your contribution to our Survey of ten days ago. We learned a lot and had an above average response in terms of numbers, and thank you for the time and effort you put into your responses. It was encouraging to hear that the DMs are useful for so many of you.
While the DMs are free, and will remain so, we do have expenses in bringing them to you daily as a gift. If you have the means to support us in some way, that is always welcome, and our non-profit which is a 5013c can give you a tax deduction for doing so. You can contribute HERE.
We have listened closely to your priorities and love of the DMs. Now that we are heading into our sixth year of publication, with a wealth of meditations in our archive, we have decided to modify the DM offering slightly to ease the demand on my energy and free up time for me to write some new (though short) books. So here is what we have in mind going forward:
Instead of my writing a new DM six days a week, I will write three new DMs per week, and three will be drawn from past DMs in the archive. I encourage all to explore the archives with over 1,800 past DMs. You can access these past DMs by entering a keyword or key phrase in the Search bar in the sidebar on the Home page of our website, HERE.
One of the findings in our survey is that a great number of our readers have joined us in the past few years and were not with us from the start. So for these people, all six DMs per week will be new.
We will maintain the Sunday Index and Monday video reflection. So nothing is actually changing in terms of format; three of the six DMs will simply be drawn from earlier periods.
We hope this adjustment fits your interests and needs.
Thank you for your support.
In Spirit,
Matthew Fox and team
Ellen Kennedy
Dennis Edwards
Phila Hoopes
Cynthia Greb
Rosanna Tufts
Drake Moore
PS: In today’s video, we continue our meditation on Dorothee Soelle’s Creed, that emphasizes acting according to the teachings of Jesus—unlike the fourth century Nicene Creed. Action that comes from a deeper place than merely reaction. As Eckhart puts it, “think less about what you do, and more about what you are. For when people and their ways are good, then their works shine forth brightly.”
Adapted from Matthew Fox, Meditations with Meister Eckhart, p. 97. See also pp. 89-130.
Browse our Archive List of Titles of every DM we have published over the last five years (since May 2019), HERE.
To read the transcript of Matthew Fox’s video meditation, click HERE.
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Queries for Contemplation
Are your works shining forth brightly from a place of being and not just action/reaction?
Recommended Reading
Meditations with Meister Eckhart: A Centering Book
A centering book by Matthew Fox. This book of simple but rich meditations exemplifies the deep yet playful creation-centered spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Meister Eckhart was a 13th-century Dominican preacher who was a mystic, prophet, feminist, activist, defender of the poor, and advocate of creation-centered spirituality, who was condemned shortly after he died.
“These quiet presentations of spirituality are remarkable for their immediacy and clarity.” –Publishers Weekly.
3 thoughts on “The DM Survey & Modest Changes to the DM Entering into its Sixth Year”
My contemplative spiritual journey has very much to do with being open in Faith to the healing and transformation towards my Being~Soul~True Heart Self~Cosmic Christ Consciousness with others, our Beautiful Sacred Mother Earth~Gaia, the Cosmos, and the spiritual realms in the Sacred Process of the ETERNAL PRESENT MOMENT in Our SOURCE~CREATOR’S LOVING DIVERSE ONENESS…
Thank you to the whole team for bringing educational and inspiring messages every single day. It is good to be reminded through earlier DM’s as each has a depth that cannot be plumbed in just one reading. It is absolutely essential not to give in to the reactions of dismay and grief but to move through them to deepen our practices and faith so as to shine a bright light in the increasing darkness. For the past 8 years especially, I have been aware of the need to go deeper and deeper, and I thank you all for helping with that.
Thank you to Matthew and the whole team for all the goodness you share!