Further Lessons on Community from Animals other than Human
Some animals go out of their way to make community with humans and to join our families and our clan. Dogs, cats, horses and many
Some animals go out of their way to make community with humans and to join our families and our clan. Dogs, cats, horses and many
What renders AA groups and parallel groups they have spawned successful “communities”? They focus on both healing and truth-telling. Their essence is listening to one
I find myself deeply affected by yesterday’s DM that focused on the dark side, what Safina called the “bizarre” reality, that only chimpanzees and humans,
Human and chimpanzee efforts at community share much in common when males rule. Says Safina, “Chimpanzees and humans are the only two ape species stuck
We are discussing community as one of the “Ten C’s” that can shed light on what it means to be human. We are currently examining
We have interrupted our discussion on community humanity-style to wander a bit into the sense of community among whales and then among the Macaw parrots
Good community depends on good work. How do we make our work good? And make it serve the common good? (And therefore community whose very
One thing I deeply respect about Peter Gabel’s critique of the Supreme Court and its ongoing originalist bent is that Gabel is daring to criticize
Peter Gabel attributes much of the effort to rush through a new supreme court judge and the “originalism” legal stance she represents to the rise
We continue our meditation with lawyer-with-a-conscience Peter Gabel.* When we put the “founding fathers” on a pedestal, hagiography like, and claim they had all the
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