Soelle: Mysticism Represents a New Kind of Transcendence
Dorothee Soelle, like Bede Griffiths and Howard Thurman and many other mystic-prophets before her, recognizes the “external” factors of religion as being one thing, but
Dorothee Soelle, like Bede Griffiths and Howard Thurman and many other mystic-prophets before her, recognizes the “external” factors of religion as being one thing, but
One way to bring back the Divine Feminine and Healthy Masculine is by way of mysticism itself. We have seen how Father Bede Griffiths insists
In my book, One River, Many Wells: Wisdom Springing from Global Faith Traditions, (published in 2000) I treat 18 themes that I propose are found
We are meditating on the sacred masculine. Following is a testimony from a male undergraduate in an English university when he came across the work of
Thurman’s experience as a wonder-filled child as well as his peoples’ experience from an African Earth-based reverence for the cosmos permeates his many rich self-disclosures.
We have been journeying with mystics who grasp the importance of connecting our inner selves (psyche) to the cosmos, and thus growing our souls. Mystics
Merton speaks out on the importance of the “act of Being.” In 1968, shortly before he died, he wrote: Afflicted as I am with an
Meister Eckhart, upending centuries of neo-platonic tainted dualistic religious teaching, said simply, “nature is grace.” His brother Thomas Aquinas, said, “The greatness of the human
This past weekend I taught in a “Teach In” with Steve Herrmann, Jungian analyst and author of the new book, William James and C. G.
I think the past year will be remembered as the year America lost its innocence–or presumed innocence, or feigned innocence, or wished-for innocence. The
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