At Our 6-Month Anniversary,
A Pause for Thanks…
and an Invitation

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all doing well in this challenging time for our planet, our democracy, and much more.  And I trust that our Daily Meditations have been some support for you along the way… at least that is what Gail Ransom assures me as she goes about reading and responding to your comments of interest and support.

Six months ago this day, on Mother’s Day May 12, we launched our Daily Meditations project and we are very moved by the response to it.  More than 10,000 people have subscribed, and the list continues to grow.  Thank you for your enthusiasm, your participation, and for helping us get the word out!

Please–tell your friends (and enemies?) there might be something here for them too!  And it is Free!

We hope we are providing you with a useful service at this time and during these times of the “Great Turning,” a service that supports you in your own development as mystics and prophets, lovers of Earth and spiritual warriors defending her. 

I want to thank the entire DM team who help support this group effort.

We are interrupting our six month Daily Meditation this one day to ask if you might be able to lend us some support.  We promise we will not do this more than once every six months.  The money will go to pay for our staff which up til now we are paying modestly from my modest lecture stipends only. 

We are growing our staff a bit, adding Jerry Maynard, a dynamic 26-year-old founder/pastor of The People’s Church in Houston, who is also involved with the Catholic Worker movement. He will be supporting Phila Hoopes in assembling each day’s blog post and email message.  Phila has done amazing work for these six months, working seven-day weeks, and Jerry, part time of course, will handle the weekends and thus give her a well needed break two days per week.

Details of how you can help are included below from Dennis Edwards, my very able and committed assistant.

I will leave you with a simple meditation for the day which, though pithy, is rich enough to carry you throughout the day I am sure. 

Says Dorothy Day:

“Peace begins when the hungry are fed.”

Looking forward to being with you daily for many more months ahead.

Matthew Fox

A Message from Dennis Edwards, Executive Assistant to Matthew Fox:

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on the 6-month anniversary of the Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox and on the beauty of the full moon today, I am reminded how much more effective we are as groups rather than individuals. When we navigate the chaos, challenges and joys of daily life, it’s important to remember that we are not alone, and that others share our values for our communities and for our planet that we are so much more than just creating income so that we can be bigger consumers.

When I take a few minutes daily to contemplate on what is really important, I’m thoughtful that there are people in every country who share my values. When I traveled into the Soviet Union over 31 years ago on a peace conference, I met people who shared my values, that were different than the values of our respective governments and their shadow/dark side intelligence agencies.  It was such a relief then to meet Russians and know that there are people there much like myself, whether they lived in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or my hometown at the time in Athens, Ga.

The Daily Meditations help me to remind me of how our daily news headlines from for-profit conglomerates only tell a very small part of the story, and how their news-telling incentives are investor driven. And the Daily Meditations are a welcome break from the inevitable news headlines that I will be engulfed in later in the day.

I’m also reminded that 2000 years ago, Jesus pointed out the greed and corruption in society, government and religion and gave a voice to the “deplorables” as some might call them. Where I live in San Francisco in the Tenderloin, I see these people every day: the homeless, the mentally ill, the drugs addicts, and they have just as much right to a quality life as anyone else.

Yet most people from all walks of life, it seems, would rather sweep them away out of sight and mind than provide real resources to help make change.

As Matthew quoted Anita Roddick in one of last week’s meditations, “Why not improve life for the world’s poorest first? Is it so impossible to move business from private greed to public good?”  I ask the same questions and others like “Is it impossible for the United States to offer universal health care while over 100 countries offer it?” No, it’s not impossible, but will take a major shift in voters’ consciousness and consumer spending to move away from the private greed that the health care industry provides to an investor-driven for-profit society.

In addition to Phila and Gail,  I would like to thank Rick Reich for the support he has given Matthew on gathering content of each Daily Meditation, and Ellen Kennedy for her vision of starting the Meditations.   As well as the rest of the team, who have helped in their various ways: Jill Angelo, Adam Bucko, Brian Nguyen, Mariko Pitts. And THANK YOU to Matthew Fox for all his time and energy to keep this going daily. And finally, thanks to our newest member, Jerry Maynard, who is assisting Phila with the complex and detailed task of making sure the Daily Meditation is posted flawless and beautiful.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us by subscribing and sharing the Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox with others.  Part of my daily meditation includes shipping your book orders, and I am grateful that you order books through our website at

I am grateful for all of your support and your donation, in whatever amount, that allows us to continue this project into 2020 and the future. Click here to contribute:

Or simply mail your check to:
Matthew Fox Legacy Project
PO BOX 424533
San Francisco, CA 94142

As Matthew often quotes Meister Eckhart: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” 

I say THANK  YOU for making this work possible!

Gratefully–Love & Light,

Dennis Edwards
Executive Director,
Matthew Fox Legacy Project

Banner image: “Droplet and Ripples” Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

A Special Gift in Gratitude…

Friends, in appreciation for your support and participation on this journey, we want to give you a copy of Matthew’s recent lecture on “Creativity: Where the Divine and Human Meet,” which he gave at the Irvine United Congregational Church on July 23, 2017. We hope this offers new insights on the Via Creativa as we have been exploring it in the past months, and inspires your own creativity!

Responses are welcomed. To add your comment, please click HERE or scroll to the bottom of the page.

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5 thoughts on “At Our 6-Month Anniversary, <br>A Pause for Thanks…<br>and an Invitation”

  1. Thank you to all who make the Daily Meditation possible and inspiring.
    I have sent to a couple of friends and also referred to it on my Facebook page.
    Hope is trust that all will be well.
    Sister Theresa Young, RDC

    1. Gail Sofia Ransom

      Thank you, Peggy, for your well wishes and for these deeply moving images on the these images are deeply moving. Their creation is prophetic and they have surely brought about some transformation in our understanding of the black experience in America.
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

  2. I ended in the donation area with a choice of option one or two. For the life of me, I can’t find those options. So I’m just giving to the legacy fund. So good to be back with Matthew after all these years. I remember the mid 80s. I was moaning to a nun that little makes sense anymore. She said, “Matthew Fox does.” That started it, Fox, Berry, O’Murchu, Keen (yes, Sam Keen), Anne Dillard and so many more.

    1. Gail Sofia Ransom

      Dear Bill,
      It is good to have you back in the Creation Spirituality circles, working out what makes sense through these meditations from Matthew Fox. Please keep writing and let us know what you are thinking and what it is prompting you to do.
      Thank you for the donation. It is much appreciated.
      Gail Sofia Ransom
      For the Daily Meditation Team

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